Australians are fed-up with their mates short changing them at dinner

Diners doing the dirty on friends when it comes time to split the bill is ruining relationships and leaving a sour taste in people’s mouths, research has shown.

Australian’s feel ripped off and are fed up from friends who leave the dining experience with full stomachs and untouched wallets. 

One in 10 friendships has been ruined by a bad bill splitting experience, data gathered independently for OneTable has revealed, The Daily Telegraph reported.   

Friendships are ending over some mated not paying their share of dinner

About 70 per cent of diners feel they have been short changed by friends who unfairly split the bill at the end of the night, research showed. 

The average amount a friend is left paying for someone else is $22.

One Melbourne woman told Daily Mail Australia she recently experienced a friendship-ending night out after their table was shortchanged $300 by friends who left early.

‘I went to dinner with a big group of friends. There were a few people that had other commitments who had to leave before the rest of the party, who were unable to split their part of the bill,’ they said.   

‘They left some cash with those who were staying. At the end of the evening, everyone put in what they thought was their share.

‘There was a major discrepancy. After a lot of fussing, one friend who was able, put up their hands and paid it. 

New research shows that 70 per cent of Australians have felt short changed

New research shows that 70 per cent of Australians have felt short changed

‘It was nearly $300 extra. I don’t think the friend who paid has spoken to certain people who were in attendance since. It was a nightmare and ruined the evening.’

The other major annoyance listed by restaurant goers was friends who itemises everything on the receipt and calculate exactly what they ate and therefore owe. 

While fussy friends who made an issue over paying the exact amount were listed by many people as annoying, another diner told Daily Mail Australia that they thought it was a good thing. 

‘I do it because I am considered in how I spend my money. I would never expect someone else to pay for me – I like to pay for what I have ordered,’ they said. 

‘Recently I went for a big work function and it was so simple and stress free, as they had a computerised split bill programme that allowed you to select whatever you wanted and pay separately, regardless of when you left. 

‘It’s like uber – there is no transnational ickiness to take away from a pleasant experience. It means that people don’t have to reveal their financial situation.’

The issue has sparked a rise in apps that allow friends to split the bill and communicate who owes what without the awkwardness.