Australians consume the most amount of ice worldwide

  • About 80 per cent of methamphetamine is brought to Australia from China
  • Australians consume more of the drug ice per capita than anywhere else
  • A Victorian parliementary inquiry on drug law reform heard from AFP on Monday

 Australians consume more of the drug ice per capita than anywhere else in the world, and most of the imported drug is brought over from China.

AFP Commander Bruce Hill told a Victorian parliamentary inquiry during his time in China, which lasted until early this year, that ’70-80 per cent of the ice coming into Australia was from China’.

‘That’s why it’s so dangerous to the community; it’s a very addictive drug and a very destructive drug to the body,’ he said. 

The chemicals used to create the drug can be legally sourced in China, and the final product coming into Australia was at about 80 to 90 per cent pure. 

About 80 per cent of the drug ice used in Australia is imported from China, a parliamentary inquiry has heard (stock image)

The inquiry also heard Australians consume more of the drug ice per capita than anywhere else in the world (stock image)

The inquiry also heard Australians consume more of the drug ice per capita than anywhere else in the world (stock image)

Australian Federal Police Detective Superintendent Matt Warren told the inquiry the decision by traffickers to import the drug rather than make it in Australia may have been a financial one.

Since about 2010, Australian police have been seizing the finished drug, which is usually quite pure, instead of finding the precursor chemicals used for domestic manufacture.

‘Simply because it’s economically sensible for the criminal groups involved,’ Supt Warren said.

Monday was the final public hearing for the drug law reform inquiry in Victoria.

The Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee is examining how effectively laws, procedures and regulations minimise drug-related harms.

More than 200 submissions have been made to the ongoing inquiry.

Australian Federal Police believe it is more economically sensible for criminal groups involved to import the drug than make it themselves, which is why it is rare for officers to seize the precursor chemicals to make the drug - which are legal in China

Australian Federal Police believe it is more economically sensible for criminal groups involved to import the drug than make it themselves, which is why it is rare for officers to seize the precursor chemicals to make the drug – which are legal in China