Australia’s active coronavirus cases plunge to under 500 as states lift restrictions EARLY

The federal government has announced a three-phase plan to ease coronavirus restrictions in the coming months, with the states and territories to determine their own timings.


What you can do now:

* Meals at pubs, cafes and restaurants for up to 10 people  

* Outdoor gatherings up to 10 people

• Up to five visitors to a household

• Weddings up to 10 guests

• Indoor funerals up to 20 mourners, outdoor funerals up to 30

• Churches and places of worship up to 10 

* Public schools are open but commuter caps remain on Sydney buses, trains and ferries. 

• Playgrounds and outdoor gym equipment use with caution 

• Outdoor pools open with restrictions

* Beaches open with restrictions including Bondi, Clovelly, Coogee and Maroubra, as well as some ocean pools

 • Travel within the state not allowed

NSW – What you can do from June 1: 

* Pubs, restaurants and cafes up to 50 people subject to the four-square metre rule, patrons must be seated

* Beauty salons for 10 people subject to the four square metre rule, magazines removed from waiting areas 

• Museums, galleries, zoos, aquariums and libraries reopen, subject to four square metre rule 

• Travel within the state allowed   

* Outdoor gatherings allowed for a maximum of 10 people  


What you can do now: 

 • Restaurants and cafes open for takeaway only, baseline restrictions also remain for bars and casinos

* Victorians can have up to five visitors in their homes.

* Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people including fishing, hiking, golf, sport and exercise, observing 1.5m distance

* Professional sport is back including AFL and NRL

* Permit use only for gyms and pools, no public access for indoor facilities 

• Where public gathering rules are relaxed, records must be kept of who attends to help with contact tracing

 * Children in Prep to Year 2 and Years 11 and 12 return to classrooms on Tuesday May 26 with the rest back from June 9.

• Weddings up to 10 people

• Funerals up to 20 mourners indoors and up to 30 outdoors 

• Places of worship: up to 10 people

• Hairdressers, retail stores open subject to the four square metre rule 

• Auction houses and real estate auctions up to 10 people    

Victoria: what you can do from June 1: 

* 20 people allowed inside restaurants, cafes, the dining areas of pubs and in the home subject to physical distancing 

• Zoos, galleries, museums, national institutions, historic sites, outdoor amusement parks, arcades, libraries and community facilities can open for 20 people maximum, subject to four square metre rule 

• Beauty therapy, spas, tattoo studios, massage parlours to reopen for 20 people subject to the four square metre rule

• Market stalls to re-open subject to four square metre and distancing rules

• Drive-in cinemas to reopen 

• Place of worship: up to 20 people

• Weddings up to 20 people not including the celebrant and couple

• Funerals up to 50 people not including staff, subject to four square metre rule

*  Overnight stays in hotels, motels, camping and caravan parks

• Skate parks and playgrounds reopen  

* Schools open June 9 with a staggered return for students starting with students in Prep and Years 1, 2, 11 and 12 on May 26.

* Year 11 and 12 students will sit exams from November 9 to December 2. 

• Indoor and outdoor swimming pools for 20 people with a limit of three people per lane

• Outdoor group sport for 20 people

* AFL begins on June 11 


* 50  people allowed inside restaurants, cinemas, concert venues, theatres, cafes and pubs subject to 1.5m distance rule

 * Alpine resorts open to skiers 

• Indoor sports centres and venues up to 20 people subject to the four square metre rule, group activities limited to 10 people

• Gyms reopen with up to 20 people per space, subject to four square metre rule and up to 10 people per group 

• Galleries, museums, national institutions, historic sites, outdoor amusement parks, zoos and arcades allowed up to 50 visitors

* Up to 100 people to be allowed in enclosed spaces in mid-July


What you can do now: 

• Up to 10 people can gather in public areas, up to five in the home

* Shopping for non-essential items 

* Public school students in grades 2 to 10 have resumed full-time classes with no commuter caps on public transport  

• Some beauty therapies including nail salons for up to 10 people

• Day trips up to 250km from your home 

• Libraries, playgrounds, skate parks, outdoor gyms, open homes and auctions open for up to 10 people

• Weddings up to 10 people

• Funerals up to 20 people indoors, 30 outdoors 

• Public pools and lagoons up to 10 people and with an approved plan for more than 10 people

• Non-contact sport for up to 10 people

* Outback pubs, cafes and restaurants can have up to 20 people, and residents can travel up to 500km 

Queensland – what you can do from June 12: 

* Subject to the four square metre rule and social distancing, up to 20 people will be allowed to gather indoors and outdoors

 *  Restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs, hotels and casinos allowed to offer dining-in (but no bars or gaming)

* Museums, art galleries, libraries, historic sites, outdoor amusement parks, zoos, arcades, concert venues, theatres, arenas and stadiums up to 20 people 

* Non-contact indoor and outdoor community sport, personal training sessions, parks, gyms, health clubs, skate parks and yoga studies can all have up to 20 people 

* Weddings, places of worship and religious ceremonies up to 20 people

* Hiking, camping and other recreational activities 

* Open homes and auctions up to 20 people

* State borders remain closed


What you can do now: Stage One

* Dining and drinking at pubs, cafes and restaurants for up to 10 customers indoors and 10 outdoors.

* Outdoor gatherings for up to 10 people, 

* Auctions, community centres, libraries, non-contact sport all open for up to 10 people 

* Students are already back in school full time.

* Universities and TAFE can hold physical classes for up to 10 people now

* Travel within the state is allowed but state borders are enforced

* Food courts closed but takeaway food and drinks are open

* Parks, playgrounds and national parks are open with hotels, camp sites and caravan parks open subject to the four square metre rule 

* Public pools for up to 10 people lap swimming 

 * Weddings up to 10 guests

* Religious gatherings up to 10 worshippers 

SA – from June 1: Stage Two

* Stage two easing of restrictions will begin on June 1 allowing more customers to be served and cinemas to reopen

* Large venues can host up to 80 people in groups of 20 provided they can keep the groups in discrete rooms within the business 

• Pubs allowed to serve drinks without a meal but customer must be seated 

* Gyms, indoor fitness centres, cinemas, galleries, museums and theatres to reopen June 1 with maximum of 20 people

 • Beauty salons, tattoo and massage parlours can re-open subject to four square metre rule

 * Funerals of up to 20 people indoors and 30 people outdoors plus those officiating

 • Driving lessons allowed, subject to social distancing

• Non-contact sport can resume but contact sports must wait till June 25 


What you can do now: Phase Two (began May 18) 

* Cafes, restaurants and meal service inside pubs, bars, clubs, can serve up to 20 customers

* Indoor and outdoor gatherings of up to 20 people

* Weddings and funerals of up to 20 guests indoors or 30 outdoors 

* Students are already back in school full time.

* Fitness classes, pools, non-contact sport allowed up to 20 people

* Churches, religious houses, libraries and community centres up to 20 people

WA – What you can do coming soon: 

* WA to reopen almost all intrastate borders on Friday June 5 except for the Kimberley, parts of the East Pilbara and the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku to protect vulnerable indigenous communities 

* Further easing of restrictions expected on June 8

* State border remains closed


What you can do now: 

* Restaurants, cafes, food service inside pubs, clubs and RSL: up to 10 people

* Aged care home residents can now have two visitors once a day

* Funerals up to 20 people indoors, 30 outdoors

* Visitors to your home: up to 5 people

*  Libraries and government centres: up to 10 people

* Kindergarten to Year Six students and Years 11 and 12 are back in school with the remainder to return on June 9 

* TAFE and training centres open to small groups of students for practical learning and assessment

* Parks, playgrounds, pools and outdoor fitness equipment opened for up to 10 people. National parks open only those who live less than 30km away 

Tasmania – what you can do from June 15: Stage Two  

* Up to 20 people can gather indoors and outdoors including in restaurants, cinemas and museums

• Beauty parlours, tanning salons, tattoo studios can open 

• Gyms and bootcamps for up to 20 people

• Funerals of up to 50 people

• Open homes and auctions with up to 20 people

* Parks and outdoor fitness equipment for up to 20 people  

• Outdoor community sports for up to 20 people

• Indoor sports including pools  for up to 20 people but no spectators

• Intrastate travel restrictions lifted, hotels and caravan parks open, camping allowed

* State border remains closed

 What you can do in Tasmania from July 13: Stage Three

 * Aged care residents can have up to five visitors, multiple times each week

* Gatherings of between 50 and 100 people 

• Bars, nightclubs, casinos and gaming to open

• Markets and food courts to open

• State border remains closed


What you can do now: 

* The NT has relaxed restrictions on parks, golf, fishing and swimming.

* Indoor activities are allowed with a two-hour limit 

* Restaurants and bars can reopen to serve food with a two-hour limit, with entertainment venues to come.

* National parks are open for camping and swimming 

• Beauty salons, gyms, libraries and places of religious worship open 

 * Gatherings up to 10 people subject to social distancing  

• Shopping centre food courts can serve food

• Non-contact sports with indoor activities under a two-hour time limit

• Art galleries, museums, public memorials, public historic sites, zoos and wildlife facilities are open.

* Restricted access to indigenous communities remain in place until at least June 5

* Students are back at school full time

* Territory borders remain closed

NT – what you can do from midday, June 5:  

• The two-hour limit on indoor activities is removed

• Bars and clubs will be allowed to operate without food being compulsory,

• Cinemas and entertainment venues can open

• Team sports such as football and netball allowed 

• Sporting arenas and stadiums can open with seating in an approved configuration 

• All licensed gaming activities including TAB open

* Travel to restricted indigenous communities is possible after June 5 


What you can do now 

* Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people allowed. Restrictions on sport and recreation eased

* Weddings and funerals have a 20 guest limit inside, and 30 outside 

* Students in Years 3, 4 and 10 back in classrooms

* School Years 5, 6, 8 and 9 to return on June 2 

ACT – What you can do from May 30: Stage Two (planned)

* Up to 20 people can gather indoors and outdoors 

* Restaurants, cafes and pubs can serve meals to up to 20 people 

* Cinemas, concert venues, galleries, museums and zoos to open

*  Beauty therapists open

* Final decision on Friday May 29 on whether to move to Stage Two 


* Supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, public transport, most state schools, hairdressers, petrol stations, postal and freight services, bottle shops, newsagents, retail shops

 Source: AAP, wires. Correct as of 25 May 2020,