Australia’s most decorated Olympian Emma McKeown sensationally enters the trans debate

Australia’s most decorated Olympian Emma McKeown sensationally enters the trans-in-sport debate and admits SHE wouldn’t like to race against a swimmer born male: ‘It just isn’t fair’

Australia’s most decorated Olympian Emma McKeon has weighed in on the debate about transgender women competing in women’s sports.  

The eleven-times gold medallist told the Griffith University’s A Better Future For All seminar this week that swimming would need to ‘deal with’ the issue of transwomen competing in women’s sport because it’s ‘just not fair’. 

‘I mean, I personally wouldn’t want to be racing against someone who is biologically a male, so that’s a concern,’ Ms Keon was quoted telling the seminar by news outlet InQueensland.  

Eleven-times gold medallist Emma Mckeon said swimming would need to ‘deal with’ the issue of transwomen competing in women’s sport because it’s ‘just not fair’

‘It’s not a new thing, but it’s new in that sport, swimming, are going to have to deal with it.’

The topic is at the centre of national debate ahead of the Federal Election on May 21 after Prime Minister Scott Morrison nominated Katherine Deves to run for the Liberal party in a critical marginal seat. 

Ms Deves was the head of an organisation called Save Our Sport which campaigns against transgender women competing in the same sports as those born biologically female. 

In a series of now-deleted tweets, Deves once compared her campaigning for ‘Save Women’s Sports’ to activism against the Holocaust. 

Ms McKeon said she is unlikely to ever encounter the issue herself but still believes it to be an important debate

Ms McKeon said she is unlikely to ever encounter the issue herself but still believes it to be an important debate

Liberal Candidate Katherine Deves has come under fire for comparing her campaign to 'Save Women's Sports' to activism against the Holocaust

Liberal Candidate Katherine Deves has come under fire for comparing her campaign to ‘Save Women’s Sports’ to activism against the Holocaust

She also described trans children are ‘surgically mutilated and sterilised.

Ms McKeon told the seminar that it was unlikely she would ever personally encounter the issue. 

‘I don’t think I’m going to have to race against a trans swimmer, I don’t think it’s going to come to that point,’ she said.

‘But now that it’s a growing thing, the sport has to think about how to handle it and how to deal with it, because you do want to be inclusive, but you don’t want to have females racing against swimmers who are biologically male because it’s just not fair.’

In the United States, trans swimmer Lia Harris has blitzed the pool at a series of women’s championships.     
