Australia’s sad truth: Residents slam the country as ‘boring, directionless and expensive’ – as young people ‘lose all hope’ for the future

Australians of all ages are venting their concerns about the future of the nation, complaining the country ‘isn’t what it used to be’ and is ‘lacking direction at every turn’.

With the cost of living and housing crisis only getting worse, some have argued Australia has become a ‘boring’ place to live with locals focused primarily on ‘surviving’ rather than entertaining or setting goals.

Many agreed they have ‘nothing to look forward to’ and cities like Sydney and Melbourne feel ‘dull’ compared to their once-vibrant culture.

A 50-year-old man took to Reddit to say the country looks and feels ‘directionless, boring and divided’ – and he wasn’t alone.

‘Is it just me or is Australia just totally “blah” at the moment?’ he asked. 

With the cost of living and housing crisis only getting worse, some have argued Australia has become a ‘boring’ place to live with locals focused primarily on ‘surviving’ rather than entertaining or setting goals 

‘Nothing much to look forward to it and be proud of anymore. Is this because I’m getting older and have passed my youth, or is it something more? Do younger Aussies feel the same, or hopeful and excited about the where we’re headed?’ 

Skyrocketing house prices and rent have caused many to reach deeper into their pockets, forcing them to go out less – while students or those with university debt are wondering if they’ll ever be able to afford a home. 

Meanwhile, those in their twenties and thirties have grown to be pessimistic about the future, fewer couples are having children because they can’t afford to, and many are simply waiting for family inheritance.  

While some saw the criticism as ‘overboard’, the majority agreed that Australia is a ‘shadow of the country is used to be’. 

‘People in my generation have no future except what basically amounts to indentured servitude. I can’t afford a house, I can’t afford kids, I can barely afford a new car,’ a woman in her twenties wrote.

‘Most of my money goes to rent-seeking landlords and putting food on the table for myself. Going out to do anything costs an arm and a leg, and everyone is out to nickle-and-dime you.’ 

A 39-year-old in Sydney said most are just working to pay off home loans. 

Crowd pictured lining up for a rental home inspection in Bondi as the housing crisis continues

Crowd pictured lining up for a rental home inspection in Bondi as the housing crisis continues

‘We [Australia] stopped manufacturing, we stopped innovating, we are increasing our immigrant intake with little consideration for Australians or the immigrants to Australia,’ he wrote. 

‘Immigrants keep working to make ends meet in this super expensive country. Aussies keep working to pay off their Sydney or Melbourne properties or to make sure they have enough investment properties.

‘I agree no one enjoys things anymore. Little scope left apart from a small percentage of population.’ 

Another from Brisbane added: ‘It’s getting hard for people to afford things. There’s an entire generation here that unless they have parents with money, will likely never own a home. It’s s***.’ 

One 34-year-old man said he decided not to have children years ago because he would be ‘ashamed to bring anyone else into the sad future coming’. 

‘The generational divide is worse than ever,’ he added.

The original poster wrote that he was amazed by the responses and glad to know he wasn’t the only one feeling this way.   

‘I think the scope and magnitude of the response here suggests that what I’m feeling isn’t just a product my age and demographic [Gen X],’ he said. 

‘I take solace in that, but mourn that our “lucky country” seems to be wallowing in this insular cultural, political and economic malaise and it’s such a struggle for younger people. I’ll try and change my perspective to “glass half full”, but it’s hard when you’ve grown up in a golden age that’s turning into tin.’ 

One 34-year-old man said he decided not to have children years ago because he would be 'ashamed to bring anyone else into the sad future coming'

One 34-year-old man said he decided not to have children years ago because he would be ‘ashamed to bring anyone else into the sad future coming’ 

However, others argued some countries are far worse off compared to Australia.  

‘It’s not just Australia. In so many countries, governments are fighting 24/7 to be the next government,’ one argued. 

‘This prevents a strong direction, as each new government changes the direction and can’t be too ambitious or they will be criticised, or much of anything really happening.’ 

Another believed Australia was ‘a few years’ behind Canada and the UK in terms of ‘moving back to a feudal style society’.

Hardworking Aussie couple’s blunt message for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese 


JP and Lizzy Huillet are pictured with their daughter Indie

JP and Lizzy Huillet are pictured with their daughter Indie 

The couple, who had their first baby Indie in October, said they are working harder than ever for the smallest rewards, with all their cash going into simply paying the bills. 

Lizzy said having a baby had meant more last-minute, costly trips to the shops, and they were now shopping at Aldi instead of Woolworths JP said that despite a recent payrise luxuries like holidays still felt out of reach.

‘I finish my week with less money than I ever have before,’ he said 
