It’s the low carb, high fat diet the celebrities currently love – so much so that Google Trends data revealed searches for the trendy eating plan quadrupled in 2017.
But is the Keto diet, adored by the likes of Kim Kardashian, the one for you?
Upon the release of his new book, The Keto Diet – A 60-Day Protocol to Boost Your Health, bestselling Australian author, Scott Gooding, spoke to FEMAIL about how the diet can benefit both your mind and your body this year.
The author himself credits it with helping his back ‘come good again’, after he eliminated certain foods from his diet, took up others and saw the injury improve dramatically.
The Keto diet is the low carb, high fat diet the celebrities currently love – now bestselling Australian author, Scott Gooding (pictured), has written a book about it

The Keto diet is already beloved by celebrities, including Kim Kardashian (pictured), reportedly
First things first, just what is the Ketogenic Diet?
According to the experts, a ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy.
It’s also known as a low-carb high-fat (LCHF) plan, and the most famous include Paleo and Atkins.
‘It’s a very normal approach insofar as our ancestors would have been in ketosis for much of their existence,’ Scott told FEMAIL.
‘It’s nothing alien to our bodies – it’s just a metabolic state whereby we burn fat as a primary fuel source.’

According to the experts, a ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy (stock image)
On a Keto diet plan, meat, fish, poultry and eggs are all allowed, as are non-starchy below-ground vegetables, leafy greens and dairy and full-fat.
On the restricted or banned side of things is sugars and white, refined carbs – and only a small amount of fruit is allowed.
‘When you manipulate your macronutrients [the major food groups of protein, carbohydrates and fat], embrace a little calorie restriction or fasting, then you will automatically put your body into ketosis,’ Scott explained.
‘While you don’t need to be in ketosis all the time, even if you were to fast once a fortnight or once a month, you will see life-enhancing benefits.’

While fat and weight loss are obviously some of the major benefits to adopting a Ketogenic diet, Scott (pictured) said a Keto diet will also help with brain fog and productivity
While fat and weight loss are obviously some of the major benefits to adopting a Ketogenic diet, Scott believes they also go far deeper:
‘Not only will you become a fat-burning machine, but you will also have improved cognitive function,’ he explained.
‘It’s like giving your brain higher octane fuel as opposed to unleaded. You’ll get rid of brain fog, you’ll find yourself being more productive and lighter and brighter than ever.’
When the Australian author first tried the diet himself, he said it helped to clear up a nagging back injury:
‘I was reading about low-inflammatory foods and it was like the penny dropped,’ he said.
‘When I tweaked my diet and went on a different, more refined path, I almost instantly felt better in my mind and body.’

One of the things Scott swears by is MCT oil, which you can stir through coffee with unsalted grass-fed butter to make Bulletproof coffee (stock image)

Scott (pictured) also said you need to re-think your attitude towards foods, and make vegetables the hero of your plate instead of protein
With regards to a Keto-friendly shopping list, Scott said it’s all about these low inflammatory foods:
‘Plenty of fresh produce and vegetables,’ he explained. ‘Especially above ground vegetables like mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli etc.’
He also recommends making ‘vegetables the hero of the plate, and putting your protein as the condiment’.
‘In Australia, with our barbecue culture, we often prioritise protein over vegetables,’ he said.
‘I want you to do the opposite, and then minimise packaged foods, industrial oils like vegetable oil and canola oil, and instead replace them with extra Virgin olive oil and MCT oil.’
Right now, MCT oil is one of the ‘magic ingredients’ in the health industry – thanks to its ability to avoid the normal pathways in the body that fat does, instead going straight to the liver:
‘When it does this, the ketones become available to every cell in the body,’ Scott said. ‘It’s like that high quality fuel for your body.’
Scott recommends anything between spoonful and 3-6 tablespoons each day, stirred through coffees (commonly called Bulletproof coffee), smoothies and more:
‘It depends on your tolerance,’ he said. ‘Start small and build up.’

Scott said eating plenty of above-ground non-starchy vegetables will keep you healthy, as will ditching all of the unhealthy oils like vegetable oil and canola oil (stock image)
Speaking about his Keto-approved health hacks – which will also help your mind and body – Scott said he swears by food over supplements:
‘I eat whole garlic cloves to enhance my health,’ he said. ‘It can help to reduce the severity and frequency of the common cold due to its anti-microbial and anti-viral properties’.
He also loves turmeric to boost the immunity:
‘Known for its potent anti-inflammation properties, turmeric can be taken as a supplement in powder or capsule form, or the raw complete version.

Scott Gooding’s new book, The Keto Diet, is released by Hachette Australia this month (pictured)
‘If you eat the whole thing, you’ll be consuming valuable co-factors which will support a multitude of enzyme processes, helping to make the body work efficiently’.
Scott is also a fan of magnesium, Bulletproof coffee and the odd sauna – which gives time out, as well as having health benefits.
Lastly, Scott shared his tips for getting started on a Ketogenic diet plan.
‘Embrace real food, cleanse your pantry and fridge so there is no temptation hanging around, and get rid of any pro-inflammatory oils you have, replacing them with coconut oil, olive oil, ghee and butter.’
The author also said that you need to approach how and what you eat differently.
‘The foundation needs to be around real cooking and cooking from home,’ he outlined.
‘Set yourself up for success there and you can’t go wrong. Cooking at home will be your saviour in this kind of diet. If you need to buy yourself a new recipe book to get motivated, then do it.’
Scott Gooding’s new book, The Keto Diet – A 60-Day Protocol To Boost Your Health, is published by Hachette Australia and out this month.