Baby boy born with so much hair it covered his EYES

An adorable tot might just be one of Britain’s longest-haired babies – having been born with his hair coming down over his eyes.

Little Gregory Jones from Ramsgate, Kent needed his first trim after just a couple of days after arriving with a big thick mop of hair even his mum admits made him look ‘a little neanderthal’.

By the time he was just five weeks old he’d had two or three haircuts.

Mum Georgie MacFarlan says bath time made her youngest son, now two, look like he’d been electrocuted.

Georgie, 42, who has two other children, said: ‘It was quite a surprise to see him when he was born.

‘His older brother and sister only had a little bit of hair when they were born. Gregory was the first one in the family to have had a lot of hair.

Gregory Jones from Ramsgate, Kent, had to have his first haircut when he was only a few days old as he was born with such a luscious mop 

The youngster is now two and still boasts a fine head of hair 

The youngster is now two and still boasts a fine head of hair 

‘The midwife actually asked me if I’d suffered from terrible heartburn while I was pregnant, because it’s an old wives tale that that’s a sign of a long-haired baby.

‘But I’d been fine. I had no idea he was going to have that much hair.’

Georgie said baby Gregory’s first haircut was quite daunting – because he was only a few days old.

She explained: ‘We had to hold him upside down so we could give him a bit of a trim. 

What a quiff! By the time Gregory was five-weeks-old he'd already had as many as three haircuts 

What a quiff! By the time Gregory was five-weeks-old he’d already had as many as three haircuts 

His parents had to hold Gregory upside down to trim his fringe when he was just a few days old

His parents had to hold Gregory upside down to trim his fringe when he was just a few days old

Gregory's father said the tot looked as if he'd been electrocuted when his wet hair stood on end after a bath 

Gregory’s father said the tot looked as if he’d been electrocuted when his wet hair stood on end after a bath 

‘It was quite nerve-wracking, having scissors that close to his face.’

She also said that Gregory, who was quite a big baby when he was born in July 2015, was often mistaken by strangers for being much older than he actually was.

Georgie, who works for a community support organisation, added: ‘You could see people looking a bit confused.

‘He looked like a newborn, but he also looked older because of his size and his hair.’

Gregory was born with a big thick mop of hair that even his mum admits made him look 'a little neanderthal'

Gregory was born with a big thick mop of hair that even his mum admits made him look ‘a little neanderthal’

People often mistake Gregory, two, for being older because of his voluminous locks 

People often mistake Gregory, two, for being older because of his voluminous locks 

Gregory was born with his hair coming down over his eyes and needed a trim when he was just a few days old 

Gregory was born with his hair coming down over his eyes and needed a trim when he was just a few days old 

Georgie, also mum to eight-year-old twins Robert and Alexandra with husband Ian Jones, 40, said during Gregory’s early months she had to cut his hair every few weeks.

‘It was especially funny when we had to give him a bath and wash his hair – he’d end up with crazy bouffant hair,’ she said.

And she added: ‘There’s a really funny photo of him and the twins on their first day of school, where he’s propped up between them, and he looks like he’s been electrocuted.’

Gregory, who is now just over two years old, has now grown into his hair a bit more – but Georgie says he still gets ‘a bit sweaty in the summer’ because of his mop.

The adorable youngster looked several months older than his age due to being born with so much hair 

The adorable youngster looked several months older than his age due to being born with so much hair 

Gregory looked like a newborn, but he also looked older because of his size and his hair

Gregory looked like a newborn, but he also looked older because of his size and his hair