Baltimore Mayor begs residents to stop gun violence and keep hospitals clear for coronavirus

Baltimore Mayor begs residents to stop shooting each other and ‘clogging up’ hospital beds which need to be kept open for coronavirus patients after SEVEN people are shot in a single night

  • Baltimore Mayor Jack Young pleaded with Baltimore residents to put down their guns after seven people were shot in a single night 
  • The motive for the shooting is unknown; five of the seven required hospital beds
  • Five people have also been diagnosed with coronavirus in the city of Baltimore
  • The mayor said gunshot wound victims can’t ‘clog up’ the hospitals  
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

The mayor of Baltimore is begging residents to stop shooting one another to allow doctors and nurses to focus on saving coronavirus patients and not gunshot wound victims. 

In a statement on Wednesday, the Mayor Jack Young said: ‘I want to reiterate how completely unacceptable the level of violence is that we have seen recently. 

‘We will not stand for mass shootings and an increase in crime. 

‘For those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people of this city, we’re not going to tolerate it. 

‘We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you. 

In a statement on Wednesday, the Mayor Jack Young fumed over the ongoing gun violence in Baltimore when the city is trying to prepare to fight coronavirus 

Seven people were shot in a single night on Tuesday. The motive is unknown

Seven people were shot in a single night on Tuesday. The motive is unknown 

‘We cannot clog up our hospitals and their beds with people that are being shot senselessly because we’re going to need those beds for people infected with the coronavirus. 

‘And it could be your mother, your grandmother or one of your relatives. So take that into consideration,’ he said. 

Seven people were shot by one person in a neighborhood of the city on Tuesday. 

The motives is not yet known but CBS Baltimore reports the gunman wore all black and a black ski mask to carry out the shootings. 

Five needed hospital care and are in a stable condition. The other two who were shot walked into the hospital themselves but did not need treatment.

There are also five confirmed cases of coronavirus in Baltimore, but the number is expected to rise drastically as more people are tested around the country. 

The Navy has deployed two hospital ships – one to New York and one to the West Coast – to alleviate the strain on hospitals by taking in patients with non-coronavirus illnesses. 

There are now more than 7,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and it is fast spreading; 115 people have died so far

There are now more than 7,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and it is fast spreading; 115 people have died so far 

The government has also made a plea to retired healthworkers who are able to to come back to the workforce.

There are now more than 7,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and 115 people have died. 

The government’s official advice is for people to stay at home, work from home, avoid groups of 10 or more and stay 6ft away from people at all times. 

They are not implementing a full lock-down like in Italy or France. 

Instead, they are urging people to take the necessary precautions now in an effort to stop the virus’s growth. Along with a shortage of ventilators and hospital beds, there is a severe shortage of medical masks and gloves. 

Hospitals are now being told to delay all non-essential procedures. 

‘We need millions of masks, we need ventilators. We have ventilators but we need a lot more,’ President Trump said.

 Vice President Mike Pence said there were 10,000 ventilators in a ‘stockpile’ currently but that the government had ordered ‘thousands more’.   

The USNS Comfort which is on its way to New York to serve as a floating hospital that will treat coronavirus patients

The USNS Comfort which is on its way to New York to serve as a floating hospital that will treat coronavirus patients