Ban on gas cookers and boilers by 2050 to hit green target

Using gas for heating and cooking should be banned by 2050, the Government said yesterday.

It will be phased out over the next 30 years and replaced by low-carbon alternatives, ministers vowed.

The war on gas was announced in the Clean Growth Strategy – £2.5billion of spending pledges to modernise the use of fuel in homes, businesses and transport.

Using gas for heating and cooking should be banned by 2050 and phased out for low-carbon alternatives

The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy report is a response to a legally-binding commitment to cut greenhouse gas levels by 80 per cent by 2050.

To do this the UK must stop using carbon-rich fossil fuels – gas, oil and coal.

The measures follow a promise in July to ban sales of petrol and diesel cars by 2040.

£1bn to help motorists go electric 

A £1billion pledge to help car owners change to electric vehicles was announced yesterday The cash will be used to help drivers ‘overcome the upfront cost’ in switching.

The Government has already announced that petrol and diesel cars will be banned from 2040. But moves to encourage us to buy electric cars instead are being thwarted by the higher cost of the vehicles and shortage of charging points for them.

Ministers say £95million will be invested to make the charging network among the best in the world. Motorway service areas and large petrol stations will be required to have charging points. A Plug-In Taxi scheme will see cabbies given up to £7,500 towards the cost of an electric taxi, while £14million will be set aside to help ten areas set up dedicated charge points for taxis.

The report, part of the as part of the Clean Growth Strategy also promises £1.2billion to make ‘cycling and walking the natural choice for shorter journeys’ as well as aiming to shift more freight from road to rail.

The Government will invest £250million, matched by industry, in self- driving vehicles.


The report said we will need to ‘fully decarbonise how we heat our homes’. But it is not certain which approaches will be the most cost-effective.

From 2025, new homes in rural areas will have to be built with low carbon alternatives to gas such as heat pumps.

These use buried pipes to extract heat from the ground and are particularly suited to underfloor heating systems.

Another possibility is converting appliances to run on hydrogen or on biogas, which is made from fermenting plant matter or manure.

These methods would initially be costly but save money in the long run while cutting harmful emissions.

The report marks the end of the ‘dash for gas’ in the 1980s, when North Sea gas was used to replace coal. It details spending on smart energy storage, renewable energy projects and research into new nuclear technology and improved wind turbine design.

The sums include £100million for carbon capture and storage, an unproven technique that involves sucking carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in empty gas fields under the North Sea.

New forests will be created, with 11million trees planted to allow an increase in the use of timber in construction.

Energy Secretary Greg Clark said the moves would ‘ensure Britain continues to lead the world in efforts to tackle climate change’.

He added: ‘The world is moving from being powered by polluting fossil fuels to clean energy. It’s as big a change as the move from the age of steam to the age of oil and Britain is showing the way.’

The strategy should help the UK get back on track to meet emissions targets for the 2020s. Jim Watson, director of the UK Energy Research Centre, said moving away from natural gas was ‘realistic’ although which technology will work best is not clear.

  •  Stamp duty could be slashed on energy-efficient homes to encourage owners and buyers to fit insulation, energy minister Claire Perry said yesterday.

She told Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘That would be one of the incentives. We also need to look at building regulations.’

Homes with extra insulation would be likely to attract a higher selling price as running costs would be lower, she said.