Bannon says Trump ‘lost a step’ and Ivanka is leak queen

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon continues to throw bombs at Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner in a new interview – as he fuels his war with the GOP establishment and plots his own political future.

Bannon got pushed out of the White House in August, but has continued to push back on rivals.  

‘He’s like an 11-year-old child,’ Bannon joked to a friend in November, Vanity Fair reported.

Of his own contentious White House role after helping guide Trump to the White House, he said: ‘I realize in hindsight I was just a staffer, and I’m not a good staffer. I had influence, I had a lot of influence, but just influence. 

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon speaks in support of U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore during a campaign rally. He blasted establishment Republicans for rallying behind Moore, who was accused of sexually touching young girls

In the spring, when a Bannon-Kushner feud and battle for influence was at its height, the president called Bannon, Kushner, and Ivanka Trump into the White House to try to resolve the situation.

The president’s daughter blamed Bannon for leaks. 

‘She’s the queen of leaks,’ Bannon shot back, according to the story. ‘You’re a f****** liar!’ Ivanka Trump reportedly responded.

Bannon said of Kushner, a wealthy Manhattanite who like Trump was born into a real estate business: ‘He doesn’t know anything about the hobbits or the deplorables,’ a label Trump supporters have embraced. ‘The railhead of all bad decisions is the same railhead: Javanka,’ he said.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign CEO and former White House chief strategist, is still settling scores in a new interview

Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign CEO and former White House chief strategist, is still settling scores in a new interview

Bannon got behind the doomed effort to try to get Roy Moore elected to an Alabama Senate seat. Kushner got behind incumbent Senator Luther Strange, and prevailed, Bannon said.   

Trump ‘momentarily has lapses when he’s convinced by people around him in the White House to do ridiculous things like support Big Luther Strange, another genius move by Jared,’ Bannon said. ‘But look at how many things he approved right after Alabama to get us back on board. I think the establishment has to understand something. Their day of running the Republican Party is over.’  

Bannon took shots at Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner in his latest interview

Bannon took shots at Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner in his latest interview

The story also reports that in October Bannon, who has returned to the conservative Breitbart News site, told an advisor he would consider running for president if Trump doesn’t seek reelection in 2020. 

Bannon has called  Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey ‘the dumbest political decision in modern political history, bar none. A self-inflicted wound of massive proportions.’

But he also faults Kushner, who supported the move, of contributing to Trump’s problems. 

‘He’s taking meetings with Russians to get additional stuff. This tells you everything about Jared,’ Bannon said. ‘They were looking for the picture of Hillary Clinton taking the bag of cash from Putin. That’s his maturity level.’

Kushner met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign, the Russian ambassador during the transition, and Russian banker Sergey Gorkov during the transition, he has since disclosed.

Kushner’s camp fired back at Bannon.  ‘Steve Bannon may regret not being in the White House anymore, but that is not an excuse for him peddling false stories about Jared or anyone else,’ said his attorney Abbe Lowell.  

‘The few conversations Steve and the president have had since he was fired this summer have primarily been opportunities for Steve to beg for his job back,’ said a White House official. 

He said the GOP civil war will go to a ‘more intense level,’ and blasted Senate Majority Leader MItch McConnell for backing away from Moore when female accusers emerged.  

‘The G.O.P. establishment would rather have control and give up seats to the radical progressive left,’ he said. ‘The G.O.P. establishment, as personified by Mitch McConnell, has not done a good job supporting the president’s agenda.’