Barnaby Joyce loses support of Western Australia Nationals

  • WA Nationals leader Mia Davies said her state no longer supports Barnaby Joyce
  • In a statement on Tuesday Ms Davies said she has informed Mr Joyce of decision
  • Ms Davies said Mr Joyce has caused ongoing damage to Nationals organisation

Western Australia Nationals leader Mia Davies has said Barnaby Joyce no longer has the support of the party.

Mia Davies said she has contacted Mr Joyce to tell him of the decision made by her state branch.

‘Mr Joyce’s actions have caused pain for his family but it is the ongoing damage Mr Joyce is causing The Nationals organisation that is of greatest concern to me as WA Leader,’ she said in a statement.

‘The Nationals brand across regional Western Australia has suffered as a result of Mr Joyce’s actions and he has become a distraction at both Federal and State level. 

‘My Parliamentary colleagues and I have urged Mr Joyce to consider his position as Leader in the best interests of the Federal Party and State branches.

‘It is the view of the Parliamentary National Party of Western Australia that Mr Joyce’s position as Federal Leader is no longer tenable.

‘I recognise Mr Joyce for his service to the party over many years and acknowledge his work dedicated to the people of regional Australia.’

More to come 

Western Australia Nationals leader Mia Davies has said Barnaby Joyce (pictured) no longer has the support of the party