Barnaby Joyce melts down at photographer and if he ‘hadn’t have pulled away he would’ve clubbed him’

Barnaby Joyce has released a video of a confrontation with a photographer outside his local church – but public opinion appears to have sided with the media.

Joyce posted the video to Twitter on Sunday morning with the caption ‘Coming out of church, guess who is hiding in the bushes taking photos, yet won’t give his name or who he works for’.

The video shows Sydney-based photographer Guy Finlay outside a church in Armidale, putting his camera back in his bag, who claims Mr Joyce ‘sized him up’.

This comes a week after the airing of Mr Joyce’s $150k interview alongside partner Vikki Campion – showing off their son Sebastian

‘How can you seriously come out of a church and size someone up to punch them,’ Mr Finlay claimed.

‘You pulled your right hand back and if I hadn’t actually walked away you would have clubbed me.’

Mr Joyce refutes the allegations in the video – instead asking over-again for the photographer’s name and ‘who he works for’. 

Locals were quick to stand up for the former Deputy Prime Minister.  

‘You’re hiding behind the tree mate,’ one local worshipper said.

‘Can’t he even go to church to pray to god?’ 

But Twitter users were not so quick to jump to the disgraced politician’s side – and asked if he was upset because he wasn’t being paid for the images.

‘Wake up to yourself Barnaby, you are a public figure & since last Sunday, so is Vikki, you were Deputy PM & you brought down the biggest sex scandal on this Govt since the Profumo Affair. You court the media in one breath then tell them to go away in the next,’ one woman said.

'How can you seriously come out of a church and size someone up to punch them,' Mr Finlay claimed

‘How can you seriously come out of a church and size someone up to punch them,’ Mr Finlay claimed

'You've waived your right to privacy. You took $150k for an interview whilst supposedly on sick leave from Parliament and felt it was OK to blame a child for your poor choices,' one man said

‘You’ve waived your right to privacy. You took $150k for an interview whilst supposedly on sick leave from Parliament and felt it was OK to blame a child for your poor choices,’ one man said

‘You’ve waived your right to privacy. You took $150k for an interview whilst supposedly on sick leave from Parliament and felt it was OK to blame a child for your poor choices,’ echoed a man on the platform.

‘Are you annoyed because this guy won’t pay you for the photos?,’ said another woman. 

‘Who ever will you send the invoice to?’ joked another.

Others took the opportunity to draw parallels to women forced to face anti-abortionists outside clinics around the country.

‘Kinda invasive ain’t it Barnaby? Almost like people outside an abortion clinic thinking they have any right to tell a woman going in what they can do with their bodies. This is no one’s fault but your own. You made your bed. You impregnated a staffer in your bed. Now lie in it,’ one man wrote.

'You pulled your right hand back and if I hadn't actually walked away you would have clubbed me,' the photographer claimed

‘You pulled your right hand back and if I hadn’t actually walked away you would have clubbed me,’ the photographer claimed

'Are you annoyed because this guy won't pay you for the photos?,' asked a woman on Twitter

‘Are you annoyed because this guy won’t pay you for the photos?,’ asked a woman on Twitter

‘Now you know how women walking into a health clinic feel Barnaby,’ said one woman.  

This comes just a week after Mr Joyce sat down with Sunday night for a tell-all interview with new partner Vikki Campion worth $150k. 

The couple showed off their new-born son Sebastian during the interview.

Mr Joyce’s wife and four daughters have remained silent about the breakdown of their family, his affair, and the birth of his first son.

Mr Joyce's wife and four daughters have remained silent about the breakdown of their family, his affair, and the birth of his first son

Mr Joyce’s wife and four daughters have remained silent about the breakdown of their family, his affair, and the birth of his first son