Bauhinia Queensland gas leak: Huge flames seen as serious pipeline rupture threatens operation of coal and gas plants

A massive fire roaring from a gas line rupture is threatening to halt operations at a number of gas and coal plants.

Emergency services were first called to the leak in Bauhinia, in central Queensland, about 8:30am on Tuesday.

Firefighters and paramedics remained at the scene throughout the day as the blaze continued to burn. No one was injured.

Footage of the rupture shows a massive blaze stretching about twice as high as nearby trees.  

The 627km line transports as much as 145 terajoules of gas from the Wallumbilla gas hub to large industrial users in Gladstone and Rockhampton. 

The rupture has instead led to the line being cut further upstream to try and limit the blaze and has completely shut off supply to Gladstone. 

A massive fire roaring from a gas line rupture is threatening to halt operations at a number of gas and coal plants across Queensland (pictured)

The closest plant to the rupture is a scraping station in neighbouring Oombabeer, but could also affect numerous others such as Rollerstone.

Numerous industrial plants are also connected to the gas line as it approaches Gladstone and Rockhampton.

The line cuts could also impact a number of industrial plants including: Queensland Nitrates, Queensland Magnesia Facility, Queensland Alumina Limited Refinery, Boyne Smelters, Rio Tinto Yarwun Refinery and Orica Yarwun.

More to come. 
