BBC tells Apprentice Lottie Lion, 19, that ‘Shut up Gandhi’ comment was ‘wholly unacceptable’

BBC tells Apprentice candidate Lottie Lion, 19, it was ‘wholly unacceptable’ that she told her rival Lubna Farhan to ‘Shut up Gandhi’ in the contestants’ group chat

  • Lottie Lion was also accused of making transphobic and homophobic remarks 
  • Contestants wanted her axed from future appearances, source previously said 
  • Today the BBC issued a statement condemning the Gandhi WhatsApp comment
  • The contestant has said that her remarks have been taken out of context  

The BBC has told Lottie Lion, a 19-year-old candidate on its show The Apprentice, that telling rival Lubna Farhan ‘shut up Gandhi’ was ‘wholly unacceptable’.

Ms Lion directed the comment at her fellow contestant, 33, on the reality show in a WhatsApp chat group shared by the competitors.

Producers reported the comments to the broadcaster while investigating the incident.

She made the comments after filming for the programme, starring Alan Sugar, had finished.

Lubna Farhan

The BBC has said that comments made by Lottie Lion (left) to Lubna Farhan (right) were wholly unacceptable as the 19-year-old also faces accusations of homophobia 

Ms Lion has previously said that the comment was ‘taken out of context’ but the corporation issued a statement condemning her remarks today. 

‘While this happened on a private messenger service once filming had concluded, the BBC nevertheless still expects the candidates to behave appropriately,’ the BBC said.

‘The production company have looked into the issue and reported back, Lottie has been informed that her comments were wholly unacceptable and is in no doubt about our view on this.’

MailOnline has asked the BBC if any further action will be taken against Ms Lion, who is still appearing on the pre-recorded show.  

As well as the messages sent on the group chat, it has also been claimed that Lottie made racist and homophobic comments during filming (pictured: Lottie, Jemelin, Lubna and Carina [left to right] have a disagreement on task in South Africa)

As well as the messages sent on the group chat, it has also been claimed that Lottie made racist and homophobic comments during filming (pictured: Lottie, Jemelin, Lubna and Carina [left to right] have a disagreement on task in South Africa)

Mahatma Gandhi led the fight for India’s independence from the British Empire in 1947 and was famed for his peaceful brand of resistance. 

It comes after The Sun reported that Ms Lion’s fellow contestants want her axed from future appearances and the You’re Fired sister show.   

As well as the messages sent on the group chat, it has also been claimed that Lottie made racist and homophobic comments during filming.

She is said to have referred to Ryan-Mark Parsons as the ‘short gay one’, while calling Riyonn Farsad ‘the tall gay one’.

Ms Lions was also accused of making derogatory comments towards transgender woman.

Lottie (pictured above) has denied that she is  racist, transphobic or homophobic following the claims but a source said that contestants want her axed from future appearances

Lottie (pictured above) has denied that she is  racist, transphobic or homophobic following the claims but a source said that contestants want her axed from future appearances 

Tensions reached boiling point at the candidate house during filming, and one is said to have threatened to quit the show following ‘racist’ comments made by Lottie.

Filming of the show took place between April and June in north London and a show source last night reportedly told the Sun that contestants were told to ‘let it go’.

‘It was not taken seriously and basically swept under the carpet. But Lottie’s behaviour was outrageous.

‘She also made the homophobic comments, which were totally unnecessary. Contestants complained to producers in the house and asked them to look into it.’

Contestants are said to have threatened to quit the show because of Lottie's comments. She is pictured above during filming with Lubna

Contestants are said to have threatened to quit the show because of Lottie’s comments. She is pictured above during filming with Lubna

The source stated that producers would only leave when candidates had gone to bed and were aware of the comments being made.

They added: ‘The racism issue is a big one and it is going to blow up in the show and the BBC’s face. It is not going to go away and people are shocked with how it’s been handled.’

Lottie is said to have rebuked the claims and said they were ‘untrue’. But fellow candidate Souleyman Bah claimed ‘of course it’s true’.

Before filming starts on the show, contestants are made to sign a form which acknowledges that they will be kicked out for bad behaviour.