Be Prepared: The Vital Role of First Aid in Emergency Situations

Disasters can happen at any time. Some come with warnings, such as hurricanes or floods. Others, however, strike without warning. Every person needs to know what to do in this situation, particularly if someone is hurt. First aid training should be mandatory today.

However, at times, this basic training isn’t enough.

Men and women who are often present during emergencies need additional training. For example, sports coaches should undergo training for advanced first aid. This training will allow them to help players until medical professionals arrive.

Professional teams have people with this training, but it needs to be implemented in all sports.

Sports isn’t the only area where this training will help. Why is first aid training essential for all people today? Why should they go beyond basic first-aid training and take advanced courses? 

Life-Saving Care

When disaster strikes, time is of the essence.

Thanks to infrastructure damage, medical professionals may be unable to reach those who need help. Individuals with advanced first-aid training can reduce the risk of injuries worsening and give disaster victims a better chance of surviving. 

Ensuring the Safety of All

Individuals with first aid training greatly help assess situations to ensure everyone remains safe.

If structures aren’t stable, a gas leak is present, or there are other hazards, the individual can keep people safe from harm. They can have everyone wait for trained professionals to secure the area before providing aid. 

Basic Principles

A person should always check the disaster victims to see if they are responsive.

Ask them if they are okay and determine whether they are conscious and breathing. It may be necessary to shout because there is no way of knowing whether their hearing has been damaged. 

Call for help and let the dispatcher know the situation. Share information about the location and the number of injured parties.

Use any means available to share this information and remain in contact with first responders. Control any bleeding until first responders arrive and open the airways. Perform rescue breathing and chest compressions where needed. 


Mass casualties have become more commonplace. In these situations, resources tend to be limited, so prioritizing care becomes necessary. Victims should be divided into four basic categories.

Individuals who need immediate care because of life-threatening injuries must be prioritized. Men, women, and children with serious injuries need treatment but can wait until the severely injured have been helped.

Minor injuries won’t require the care of first responders right away. Individuals who have been critically injured and cannot be helped should be placed in a separate category. 

Always have a well-equipped first aid kit available.

Bandages, disinfectants, gloves, and other items will be priceless when treating patients until first responders can take over. Be aware of cultural and religious beliefs when helping others to ensure every person is treated with respect, and don’t overlook psychological first aid.

A disaster of any type is traumatizing. Provide comfort and let people share their experiences. Recommend they seek professional mental health once the immediate danger has passed. 

Special Situations

Each disaster is different. Watch for falling debris and other hazards when dealing with a natural disaster such as an earthquake. Floods come with fast-moving water, and individuals providing first aid must be aware of the dangers associated with these waters.

Evacuate an area if chemical or biological agents are present, and help first responders wherever possible when dealing with a mass casualty event. Every second counts when responding to a disaster.

Knowing first aid and applying this knowledge can mean the difference between life and death. Look into this training today to help others when the worst happens. Knowing what to do will help you remain calm in a stressful situation.