Beloved newsreader Peter Hitchener wells up with emotion as he signs off for very last time after five decades at the Channel Nine: ‘Pass the tissues’

Veteran Nine news Melbourne presenter Peter Hitchener, 77, has signed off for the last time in an emotional farewell on Thursday night. 

The legendary newsman was given a fulsome send off by Livinia Nixon at the end of her weather report as Hitchener’s five decade career came to an end. 

‘This is our last bulletin together as a team, since I joined you 20 years ago. You are a remarkable person. You are a father figure to everyone in the newsroom,’ Nixon said.

‘A friend to millions of people at home and a comfort to us all through these grim news stories. We adore you, we salute you and we thank you so much for everything.’

‘Oh thank you, Livinia. So beautifully said … Pass those (tissues) over to Livinia,’ Hitchener said to sports presenter Tony Jones. 

More to come… 

Veteran Nine presenter Peter Hitchener (pictured) has signed off for the last time



