Ben Carson leads extraordinary prayer at cabinet meeting

HUD Secretary Ben Carson led a prayer at a White House cabinet meeting Wednesday calling for a ‘spirit of gratitude, compassion’ in a time of discord – and he was referring to the Republican tax cut, not Donald Trump’s attacks on him during the campaign.

President Trump asked Carson to lead the cabinet in prayer, as the GOP’s top legislative priority $1.5 trillion tax cut made its way to the House for a final vote.

Carson immediately thanked God for blessings, but did not neglect to compliment the man who nominated him to join the cabinet.   

‘We thank you for the president and for cabinet members who are courageous, who are willing to face the winds of controversy in order to provide a better future for those who come behind us,’ said Carson. 

President Donald Trump and his cabinet bow their heads in prayer at the top of their meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S., December 20, 2017

President Trump clasped his hands and looked downward, as did other cabinet members including Defense Secretary James Mattis and other heavyweights. 

Addressing an authority higher than the Congressional Budget Office, Carson then referenced the nation’s national debt, which is expected to climb by $1.5 trillion under the tax cut.

 ‘We’re thankful for the unity in Congress that has presented an opportunity for our economy to expand, so that we can fight the corrosive debt that has been destroying our future,’ Carson said. 

He then referenced unity, although the tax cut passed without a single Democratic vote in the House or Senate, Minority Leader Charles Schumer angrily warned Republicans would ‘rue the day’ they voted for it, and Trump blasted the media and Democrats for demeaning the package.

President Donald Trump bows his head during a prayer as he holds a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington, DC. HUD Secretary Ben Carson said: 'We thank you for the president and for cabinet members who are courageous'

President Donald Trump bows his head during a prayer as he holds a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington, DC. HUD Secretary Ben Carson said: ‘We thank you for the president and for cabinet members who are courageous’

‘And we hope that that unity will spread even beyond party lines, so that people recognize that we have a nation that is worth saving. And recognize that nations divided against themselves cannot stand,’ Carson said. 

‘In this time of discord, distrust and dishonesty, we ask that you would give us a spirit of gratitude, compassion and common sense, and give us the wisdom to be able to guide this great nation in the future. We ask in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen,’ Carson concluded.

During the campaign, Trump went directly after one-time ally Carson as he slashed his way through the GOP field, even mentioning his faith.   

‘I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about, I just don’t know about,’ Trump said, mentioning Carson’s faith. He also compared him unfavorably to Jeb Bush, saying: ‘Actually, I think Ben Carson is lower energy than Jeb.’ 

THANKS FOR RECONCILIATION: The tax cut made it through the Senate under a special procedure preventing a Democratic filibuster

THANKS FOR RECONCILIATION: The tax cut made it through the Senate under a special procedure preventing a Democratic filibuster

Before the two men buried the hatchet, Trump even compared Carson to a child molester. ‘He actually said ‘pathological temper,’ and then he defined it as disease,’ Trump said, referencing Carson’s statement about his own troubled youth that was a staple of his redemption story. 

‘If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks. If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, there’s no cure for that.’

Vice President Mike Pence called the tax cut a 'middle class miracle.'

Vice President Mike Pence called the tax cut a ‘middle class miracle.’

‘Thank you, Ben. Beautiful. Thank you very much,’ Trump said when the prayer was over.

Following Carson’s prayer,  it was Vice President Mike Pence’s turn to laud the president, who was seated across the table from him. 

Pence called the tax cut a ‘middle class miracle.’

‘Because of your leadership, Mr. President … you’re delivering on that middle class miracle,’ said Pence, in one of several comments lavishing praise on his boss.

‘I know I speak on behalf of the entire cabinet and of millions of Americans when I say congratulations and thank you. Thank you for seeing through the course of this year an agenda that truly is restoring this country,’ Pence said. 

President Donald Trump holds a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room at the White House

President Donald Trump holds a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room at the White House

‘You’ve spurred an optimism in this country that’s setting records,’ Pence added. 

Pence also thanked leaders in Congress, the Treasury Secretary, top economic advisor Gary Cohn, and Ivanka Trump.

It didn’t take long for Trump’s political prayers be answered. 

Soon after the televised meeting was over, the House passed the conference report on the tax bill for a second time, this time by a vote of 224-201.