Berlin road rage driver ‘threatens’ medics saving a child

A toddler is in a coma after paramedics trying to save his life were allegedly threatened by a road rage driver who claimed their ambulance blocked his way to work.

The motorist, who has not been named, is said to have become enraged as the health workers tended to one-year-old Leonard Funke who had collapsed at a daycare centre in Berlin.

The 23-year-old allegedly kicked a mirror off their ambulance before telling them: ‘P*** off! I’ve got to get to work.’

As a result, the paramedics were unable to fully concentrate on Leonard until police arrived.

Leonard Funke pictured in hospital with his father Thomas. The toddler has been put into an induced coma

One of them said: ‘I explained to him that we are currently resuscitating a child and that the ambulance currently cannot drive away.

‘Yet he stood threateningly in front of me, as if he wanted to hit me.’

Even after officers arrived at the scene the man is alleged to have said: ‘I do not care who is being resuscitated here.’

Despite the delay the paramedics were able to restart the toddler’s heart before taking him to hospital where he remains in an induced coma.

The success is due in part to the actions of Leonard’s daycare teacher, who administered CPR the moment he collapsed. 

The boy’s parents, Thomas and Katharina, who now spend all their time at their son’s bedside, have voiced their fury at the motorist.

His father said: ‘This reckless driver has hampered the rescue of my child. That’s why I reported him and I hope that he will be punished with the full force of the law.’

It is not known if Leonard will suffer any long-term damage as a result of the incident.

Leonard before the incident

Leonard in hospital

Leonard, pictured left before the incident and right in hospital, collapsed at his daycare 

The youngster currently has a lung infection that needs to clear up before doctors can examine his heart. 

The shocking incident happened in German capital Berlin after one-year-old patient Leonard Funke suddenly collapsed at a daycare centre at around 9.30am.

As the baby’s heart stopped beating, one of the daycare teachers gave CPR until paramedics arrived with a defibrillator and oxygen mask.

The name of the aggressive driver has not been reported due to strict German privacy laws.

It is not known whether he has been released on bail or is being held in investigative custody.