Bernie Sanders supporter sues DNC and Hillary Clinton

A Bernie Sanders campaign organizer and long-time Democrat has filed a lawsuit today accusing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton of fraud and seeking access to their servers – a move that his lawyer believes will solve the murder of DNC staff member Seth Rich.

Gary Frazier, an organizer with Black Men for Bernie and DNC contributor, claims that the DNC and Clinton committed fraud, negligence, and violated their charter as a non-profit, political organization during the 2016 presidential primary.

He also accuses the DNC of being negligent with his personal and financial information and making it vulnerable to hackers.

On June 14, 2016, the DNC database was compromised by Russian government hackers, security sources told the Washington Post. A Kremlin spokesman ruled out Russian involvement but day later, solo, anonymous hacker ‘Guccifer 2.0’ took credit for hacking the DNC database, saying it was ‘very easy’ on his website.

Gary Frazier, 42, has filed a suit against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton, accusing the two parties of committing fraud, after they allegedly worked against Bernie Sanders during the 2016 presidential race  

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in July 2016 after a Wikileaks email hack exposed her bias and showed the party had conspired against Bernie Sanders. She was later hired as Clinton's campaign manager days later 

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in July 2016 after a Wikileaks email hack exposed her bias and showed the party had conspired against Bernie Sanders. She was later hired as Clinton’s campaign manager days later 

A month later, thousands of DNC emails were released by Wikileaks, dealing a damaging blow to Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. 

Among emails from senior DNC officials, including then-chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, were statements that revealed the DNC was actively trying to undermine Sanders’ campaign to the benefit of Clinton.

Frazier’s lawsuit alleges that the DNC was ‘anything but impartial’ and instead ‘devoted its resources to propelling Clinton’s candidacy ahead of all her rivals, even if this meant working directly against the interests of Democratic Party members including Bernie Sanders’ supporters’.

The suit was filed on Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court by GOP lobbyist and attorney Jack Burkman. He has scheduled a press conference for 11am outside of DNC headquarters.

Frazier, 42, of Camden, New Jersey, told he had worked tirelessly on behalf of Sanders with hundreds of other volunteers.

‘I know that the DNC worked against Bernie Sanders, I was out there on the front line,’ he said. ‘The DNC blockaded a lot of stuff. For what the DNC and Hillary Clinton have done, we are going to hold them accountable.’

The Bernie supporter said he wanted Sanders’s donors to be refunded their DNC contributions and to bring changes to the Democratic Party. 

Frazier told that he had worked tirelessly on behalf of Sanders with hundreds of volunteers. Above he is pictured with Green Party candidate Jill Stein 

Frazier told that he had worked tirelessly on behalf of Sanders with hundreds of volunteers. Above he is pictured with Green Party candidate Jill Stein 

Frazier, who filed the suit on Tuesday morning, said he wants Sanders's donors to be refunded their DNC contributions and to bring changes to the Democratic Party

Frazier, who filed the suit on Tuesday morning, said he wants Sanders’s donors to be refunded their DNC contributions and to bring changes to the Democratic Party

The suit also seeks access to the DNC servers, and potentially Clinton’s private servers, alleging they hold evidence which proves the primary was rigged against Sanders.

Burkman said the legal complaint was a ‘strong bipartisan effort to get justice from the DNC’.

‘I am filing this lawsuit on behalf of all Bernie Sanders supporters,’ he told ‘I’m alleging the DNC committed fraud against Sanders’s supporters during the primary. The system was rigged from the beginning and they never had a chance.’

And – according to the lawsuit – the servers ‘will shed light on the hacking into the DNC during the summer of 2016 and information that will shed light on the role of DNC employee, Seth C. Rich’s, possible role in the dissemination of DNC information’.

Burkman believes he will have access to the servers during the discovery phase of the lawsuit and will ask the judge for subpoenas if access is not granted.

The attorney believes that examining the servers will finally lead to answers in the Seth Rich murder case.

The suit was filed on Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court by GOP lobbyist and attorney Jack Burkman in what he's calling a 'strong bipartisan effort to get justice from the DNC'

The suit was filed on Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court by GOP lobbyist and attorney Jack Burkman in what he’s calling a ‘strong bipartisan effort to get justice from the DNC’

‘With access to these servers, we will finally be able to look at the electronic email trails from the DNC. We can now learn all about Seth as to whether he was the [DNC] leaker and if he released any information. There are so many unresolved questions,’ Burkman said.

‘There will be a number of collateral social benefits and one of them is the resolution of the Seth Rich case.’

Rich, 27, was fatally shot twice in the back while walking home alone in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of D.C. in the early hours of July 10, 2016. At the time of his death, he was working as a data analyst for the DNC.

Two weeks after his death, Wikileaks released the trove of DNC emails and founder Julian Assange appeared to suggest in an interview that Rich was one of his sources although Wikileaks later clarified by tweeting their ‘original and only statement’ on the murder.

The timing led to a flurry of theories that Rich had been the leaker and this was somehow connected to his death.

Burkman has set up his own independent investigation into Rich’s murder and offered a $100,000 reward to solve the case.

In June, Burkman funded a report, by forensic psychology students, which claimed Rich was probably murdered by ‘a hired killer or serial murderer’. The Rich family disputed the claim, Newsweek reported. 

DC’s Metropolitan Police Department have said the murder was a ‘botched robbery’ and Rich’s parents – Joel and Mary Rich – have publicly supported the findings. They have urged the media to stop spreading conspiracy theories about his death.

Joel Rich said earlier this year that he did not believe that his son was behind the DNC email hack and would not have shared emails with WikiLeaks.

‘Anyone who knew Seth knew that wasn’t the way he would have handled the problem,’ he told Fox News. ‘He would not go outside the system.’

At the time of his death, Seth Rich was  working as a data analyst for the DNC

Burkman has set up his own independent investigation into Rich's murder and offered a $100,000 reward to solve the case

At the time of his death, Seth Rich was working as a data analyst for the DNC. Burkman has set up his own independent investigation into Rich’s murder and offered a $100,000 reward to solve the case

Rich, 27, was fatally shot twice in the back while walking home alone in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of D.C. in the early hours of July 10, 2016

Rich, 27, was fatally shot twice in the back while walking home alone in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of D.C. in the early hours of July 10, 2016

Burkman is no longer in contact with the Rich family and had not informed them about the suit.

‘The family and I are working on separate tracks,’ he said. ‘I respect the privacy of a grieving family, but I find it unusual that they are committed to the advancement of certain narrative.

‘They don’t want to look at any other kind of explanations. We are curious as to why they want to suppress other theories. They say the rest are conspiracy theories but I don’t know what that word means. I wish they would be more cooperative.’

A Rich family spokesperson responded to with a ‘no comment.’ 

More than a year later, there are no leads and no suspects in Rich’s murder. MPD has no new information to release regarding the Seth Rich case at this time. 

Burkman is skeptical of the police’s investigation and claims to have information pointing to other explanations.

He said: ‘Nothing was taken from Seth – not his wallet, gold chain, credit cards or a sizeable amount of cash. So you know there’s no robbery gone awry. Then the question becomes, what was it?’

‘We don’t know who murdered Seth Rich. We have information leading in a number of directions, we have information leading in the Russia direction. We are investigating the DNC angle.

The timing led to a flurry of theories that Seth Rich had been the email leaker and this was somehow connected to his death. Rich's parents, Mary and Joel Rich, have dispute the claims and have urged the media to stop spreading conspiracy theories about his death

The timing led to a flurry of theories that Seth Rich had been the email leaker and this was somehow connected to his death. Rich’s parents, Mary and Joel Rich, have dispute the claims and have urged the media to stop spreading conspiracy theories about his death

Burkman is no longer in contact with the Rich family and had not informed them about the suit

Burkman is no longer in contact with the Rich family and had not informed them about the suit

‘We are trying to find out what is Seth Rich’s role was in the leak –did he give DNC info to Wikileaks, to Guccifer 2.0, to the Russians? We don’t know.

He claims that Seth was very angry that Bernie was passed over and unfairly treated by the DNC. 

‘Seth was a strong Bernie guy, there is very little dispute over that. I think after this lawsuit we’ll know who killed Seth Rich.’

Burkman did not wish to disclose many details about his investigation for security reasons.

‘We have a number of people reaching out to us and we are analyzing their credibility and talking to these people about what they know. The Russian angle is one of those angles we are investigating,’ he said.

Burkman has separately filed a lawsuit against the MPD, demanding access to Rich’s medical examiner’s report, autopsy documents, video footage and ballistics reports. That lawsuit is ongoing.

Frazier, 42, did not know Rich or have any connection to his family but suggested to that the murder was linked to the DNC working against Bernie Sanders.

‘I was on the front line and I can tell you what happened. Seth Rich was about to expose everything that was happening with the DNC. The establishment of the Democratic Party killed Seth Rich. We know that they did. That’s what people are not talking about.’

Frazier said that he was working with Burkman, a conservative Republican, because some matters were of such importance that they transcended party lines.

‘There is bipartisanship that goes on across this country all the time. When we can come together and work together for the good of the people, we will do that,’ Frazier said.

‘I’m an African-American but I was out there with 5,000 whites holding Black Lives Matters banners. That tells me something is wrong with our system and we have been oppressed of our votes all our lives. Bernie was right there with us.

‘Another reason I’m right there with Bernie is that he’s committed to changing the lives of African-American women but that message wasn’t getting to our urban communities and schools enough because if it was, then Bernie would be the president right now.’ did not receive a response after reaching out to the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s representatives for comment.

Burkman has separately filed a lawsuit against the MPD, demanding access to Rich's medical examiner's report, autopsy documents, video footage and ballistics reports. That lawsuit is ongoing

Burkman has separately filed a lawsuit against the MPD, demanding access to Rich’s medical examiner’s report, autopsy documents, video footage and ballistics reports. That lawsuit is ongoing