Bernstein’s Songfest and Serenade review: Has real impact


Bernstein’s Songfest and Serenade                          Barbican Hall, London 


This fine concert showed that Bernstein was more than the Bard of Broadway. It demonstrated that he wrote one of the most eloquent mid-20th-century violin concertos and that Songfest’s eclecticism makes a serious statement about the American melting pot of race and culture.

After a boisterous performance of the Candide overture, the Serenade After Plato’s Symposium for violin and orchestra was movingly despatched by Israeli virtuoso Vadim Gluzman. The title was typically Lenny, too clever by half. 

Not calling it a concerto has denied the piece the stature it deserves. It’s fit to stand with the concertos of Sam Barber, William Walton and Erich Korngold. But it doesn’t. And it’s the title wot done it.

Leonard Bernstein, the twenty-seven year old conductor and musical director of the New York City Symphony, New York, 1945

Leonard Bernstein, the twenty-seven year old conductor and musical director of the New York City Symphony, New York, 1945

Songfest exhibits another Bernstein problem; taking on too much, and delivering too late. He missed the 1976 Bicentennial, for which it was commissioned. It crept out late in 1977, and has been rarely performed since. 

Yet the performance of conductor David Charles Abell, with a talented team of soloists, showed that this setting of 13 American poems is an achievement of real magnitude.


West Side Story could have been written faster had Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim not spent Thursdays devoted to the crosswords in The Listener.

The poetry covers a remarkable amount of ground, from Anne Bradstreet’s 17th-century reflections on marriage, through Walt Whitman’s poem acknowledging he was gay, to Edna Millay’s regrets that her bedroom had become a quiet place. 

Two searing exposés of the American black experience, from Langston Hughes and June Jordan, were well chosen to draw attention to the failure of American society to fully embrace its black community.

Much of Songfest’s music may be derivative, but it has impact. Let’s hope the rest of Bernstein’s centenary year will be full of similarly revelatory evenings.