Biden says the U.S. will start dropping aid into UKRAINE instead of Gaza before correcting himself as he meets Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni (after introducing her with a Ray Charles song)

President Joe Biden said the U.S. will start air dropping humanitarian aid into the Ukraine before he corrected himself and said it would go into the Gaza strip.

The announcement comes a day after hundreds of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in a rush to get food from an assistance convoy.

At least 576,000 people in the Gaza Strip – one quarter of its population – are one step away from famine, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Biden, meeting in the Oval Office with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, said the food drops would arrive in the coming days. He noted he played Ray Charles’ ‘Georgia on My Mind’ as the Italian prime minister came into the Oval Office.

Members of the Jordanian Armed Forces air drop aid parcels along the Gaza coast, in cooperation with Egypt, Qatar, France and the UAE – the U.S. will join the air drops in coming days, President Biden announced

‘We’re going to discuss the Middle East and yesterday’s tragic and alarming event in north Gaza, trying to get humanitarian assistance in there,’ he said.

‘The loss of life is heartbreaking. People are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war unable to feed their families and you saw the response when they tried to get aid in.’

‘We need to do more and the United States will do more.’

Then he started talking of the Ukraine: ‘In the coming days, we are going to join with our friends in Jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into Ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues into Ukraine, including the possibility of a marine corridor to deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance.’

Biden then caught himself and said it was aid to Gaza: ‘In addition to expanding deliveries by land, as I said, we’re going to insist that Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need. No excuses, because the truth is aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere nearly enough now — it’s nowhere nearly enough. Innocent lives are on the line and children’s lives are on the line.’

He also said they hope to know ‘shortly’ if a ceasefire can be worked out between Israel and Hamas.  

‘We are trying to work out a deal between Israel and Hamas — the hostages being returned and the immediate ceasefire in Gaza for at least the next six weeks, and to allow the surge of aid to the entire Gaza Strip, not just the south,’ the president said.

President Joe Biden meets Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Oval Office; Biden said he welcomed her with Ray Charles' 'Georgia on my Mind'

President Joe Biden meets Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Oval Office; Biden said he welcomed her with Ray Charles’ ‘Georgia on my Mind’

Humanitarian aid is airdropped by Jordan forces into the war-torn Gaza region

Humanitarian aid is airdropped by Jordan forces into the war-torn Gaza region

The aid announcement comes as the administration faces growing pressure at home and abroad to do more to rein in Israel and to help the suffering Palestinian population.

In Gaza, more than 100 people were killed on Thursday after Israeli forces fired on a mass rush to a food convoy. 

That brings the death toll to more than 30,000 since the start of the Israeli-Hamas war on October 7th, after Hamas forces attacked Israel.

Arab countries quickly condemned Thursday’s violence. Biden said it could make it harder to negotiate a cease fire. Israel said its forces fired after the crowd approached the food convoy in a threatening way. 

Aid groups say it has become nearly impossible to deliver supplies in most of Gaza because of the difficulty of coordinating with the Israeli military. 

People have eating animal feed and even cactuses, according to reports, and medics say children are dying in hospitals from malnutrition and dehydration.

Jordan, meanwhile, already has begun air drops of aid into the war-torn region, working with Egypt, Qatar, France and the UAE.

U.S. officials warn that aid airdrops will have a limited impact since a U.S. military plane could only drop the equivalent of the amount of aid one or two aid trucks can carry. 

Up to 250 trucks of aid can enter the region a day if the circumstances allow.  

Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike during a military operation in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip

Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike during a military operation in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip

Biden had earlier expressed hope that a deal would be done by Monday. He said Thursday that looked unlikely.

‘Hope springs eternal,’ he said ‘I was on the telephone with people from the region. Probably not by Monday, but I’m hopeful.’
