Biden’s approval rating hits new low of 37% among independent voters while Kamala is on 46% 

Biden’s approval rating hits new low of 37% among independent voters while Kamala is on 46%

  • Kamala Harris is doing better than Joe Biden in nationwide approval numbers
  • Biden’s approval rating among all voters surveyed is 43 percent while a majority of people asked, 53 percent, disapprove of his job in the White House
  • His approval with independent voters saw its steepest drop in the last 2 months
  • Biden’s numbers are far behind Obama’s 61% approval at this point in his term
  • Just 30% of Americans approve of the current US government in general 

Only about a third of independent voters approve of President Joe Biden’s job in August, a new low as he trails his own vice president among the same group and across all voters nationwide, according to a new Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Numbers released eight months into the 78-year-old’s presidency weighed the opinions of Americans from September 1 to September 17, beginning just after the US wrapped Biden’s chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

Just 43 percent of Americans approve of his work in office while more than half – 53 percent – say they disapprove. 

Vice President Kamala Harris is faring slightly better, with an approval rating of 49 percent. Her nationwide disapproval is also 49 percent.

It’s a steep drop from Biden’s 50 percent approval rating in July as most of the US struggled with a summer COVID surge fueled by the Delta variant. Biden’s disapproval rating was only 45 percent at the time. 

Kamala Harris's nationwide approval rating is 49%

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are failing to charm American voters, according to a new Gallup poll 

The drop is fueled largely by independent voters, who favored Biden by 61 percent at the highest point. Now only 37 percent of independents approve of the job he’s doing. Fifty-six percent of independents disapprove of Biden.

His approval among those voters was more than 10 points higher in July, before the Afghanistan withdrawal and before a devastating ISIS-K suicide attack killed 170 Afghans and 13 US service members in Kabul in the US military’s deadliest day in the region since 2011.

Harris’s approval rating among independent voters is 46 percent, nearly 10 points higher than her boss. Her disapproval rating is also slightly lower, at 51 percent.

The overall negative feelings toward America’s leaders is reflective of a wider dissatisfaction in government. 

A whopping 69 percent of voters surveyed say they disapprove of how the country is being governed. 

Joe Biden's approval rating has been on a consistent decline since June, when he was at 56%

Joe Biden’s approval rating has been on a consistent decline since June, when he was at 56%

Kamala Harris's approval and disapproval rating are tied at 49% - the same number Joe Biden was at when he was vice president under Obama at this point in 2009

Kamala Harris’s approval and disapproval rating are tied at 49% – the same number Joe Biden was at when he was vice president under Obama at this point in 2009

Just 30 percent, or less than a third, are satisfied with it. The number hasn’t exceeded 50 percent since 2003.

During the 17-day period the survey was taken, Biden issued a sweeping and controversial vaccine order covering two-thirds of the US workforce. 

Several Republican-led states have already announced their plans to take legal action against the White House’s announcement.

Meanwhile, he’s also been dealing with a crisis at the southern border that’s been getting worse since he took office. 

More than 208,000 migrant encounters occurred at the southern border in August, according to data from Customs and Border Patrol. 

Biden continues to please Democrats, who gave him a 90% approval rating in September

Biden continues to please Democrats, who gave him a 90% approval rating in September

Kamala Harris's approval by party is similar to that of her boss, though independents and Democrats weigh her slightly higher

Kamala Harris’s approval by party is similar to that of her boss, though independents and Democrats weigh her slightly higher

Nearly 1.5 million migrants were encountered by Border Patrol in Fiscal Year 2021 so far.  

But Biden’s own party appears unfazed by the crises gripping the country. A commanding majority of 90 percent of Democrats still approve of his job in office. That’s just three points down from August and unchanged from July.  

The president’s job approval among Republicans hit a new low in Gallup’s surveys at just 6 percent. The highest it’s even been during his time in office was 12 percent in February and July. 

Biden’s approval rating is significantly lower than that of his ex-boss at this point in his term. 

Former President Barack Obama held a 61 percent positive rating. Biden’s approval rating as vice president at the time was tied with Harris’s at 49 percent.