Bill Clinton directly attacked President Donald Trump as incapable of doing the job Tuesday night, accusing him of spending hours a day watching TV and playing around on social media instead of combating COVID.
‘If you want a president who defines the job is spending hours a day watching TV and zapping people on social media, he’s your man,’ Clinton said during his speech on the second night of the Democratic National Convention.
President Trump spends several hours a day in ‘executive time,’ as it was revealed last year in a report on his private schedule. It’s rare to see an early morning event on his public schedule, which does not reflect all of a president’s activities. An early riser, Trump tweets several times a day, most days of the week. And many of those tweets refer to news stories that had aired recently on his favorite networks Fox News and OAN.
Clinton, who spent eight years in the Oval Office in the 1990s, criticized the president’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, blaming Trump’s lack of action for the high infection rate in the United States, where 5.49 million have had the virus and more than 171,000 have died.
‘Denying, distracting, and demeaning works great if you’re trying to entertain and inflame. But in a real crisis, it collapses like a house of cards. COVID doesn’t respond to any of that. To beat it, you’ve got to go to work and deal with the facts,’ Clinton said.
Bill Clinton directly attacked the President Donald Trump in his convention speech, accusing him of spending the day watching TV and playing on social media
Clinton also criticized President Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, calling it chaos
In contrast, Clinton called Joe Biden a ‘a go-to-work president’
Voters give President Trump low marks for his handling of the pandemic. Clinton used the majority of his five minute speech to focus on Trump’s response to the global health emergency.
‘When he didn’t like the expert advice he was given, he ignored it,’ Clinton said of Trump. ‘Only when COVID exploded and even more states that he encouraged people to wear masks. And then many more were dying.’
‘When asked about the surging deaths. He shrugged and said, it is what it is, but didn’t have to be this way,’ he added.
‘COVID hit us much harder than it had to.’
Clinton also called the Oval Office a ‘storm center’ under Trump’s tenure, attacking the president by name. And he will hit Trump where it hurts – his economic record. Trump likes to brag he created the best U.S. economy ever.
‘Donald Trump says we’re leading the world,’ Clinton said.
‘Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple. At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center. There’s only chaos. Just one thing never changes – his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there,’ he added.
Clinton then pivoted to Joe Biden, touting him as a ‘go-to-work president.’
‘Our party is united in offering you a very different choice: a go-to-work president. A down-to-earth, get-the-job-done guy. A man with a mission: to take responsibility, not shift the blame; concentrate, not distract; unite, not divide. Our choice is Joe Biden,’ he said.
He closed his pre-taped remarks by offering a stark contrast to voters in November.
‘You know what Donald Trump will do with four more years: blame, bully, and belittle. And you know what Joe Biden will do: build back better. It’s Trump’s “Us vs. Them” America against Joe Biden’s America, where we all live and work together. It’s a clear choice. And the future of our country is riding on it,’ he concluded.
Clinton’s remarks aired after new pictures revealed Tuesday showed Clinton enjoying an intimate neck massage with a young Jeffrey Epstein victim in photographs obtained exclusively by
The troubling pictures are an ill-timed reminder of Clinton’s links to Epstein as the former President, 72, prepared to endorse Biden at the Democratic convention.
Leading Tuesday’s call-to-arms for voters was Bill Clinton, who has spoken at every Democratic convention since 1980.
He memorably made the case for his wife Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for Barack Obama in 2012 – being so effective in his arguments Obama dubbed him ‘the secretary of ’splaining stuff.’
But Clinton, who had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky when he was president and has been accused of sexual misconduct by other women, will be in the convention spotlight for the first time since the #MeToo movement has gripped the country.
Bill Clinton is seen enjoying a neck massage from a Jeffrey Epstein victim in never-before-seen photographs obtained exclusively by Clinton sits comfortably and laughs as Chauntae Davies, then a 22-year-old massage therapist, rubs her hands into his shoulders
Davies said Clinton was a ‘complete gentleman’ on the trip as she described how the encounter occurred
Clinton, who is three years younger than Joe Biden, also has ties to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in prison while awaiting trial on additional charges. The former president rode Epstein’s private jet in 2002 but had denied having a close relationship with him and said he knew nothing about Epstein’s behavior with young girls.
Bill Clinton has denied having a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and said he knew nothing about Epstein’s behavior with young girls
In the photos, Clinton sits comfortably and laughs as Chauntae Davies, then a 22-year-old massage therapist who acted as Epstein’s personal masseuse, rubs her hands into his shoulders to get out the kinks in his neck.
The images were taken when Clinton was on a humanitarian trip with Epstein to Africa in September of 2002.
Davies said Clinton was a ‘complete gentleman’ on the trip.
Davies, now in her early 40s, said of the massage pictures: ‘Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.’
She explained the massage happened when ‘we had a stop-over for the jet to refuel and while we were in the terminal the ex-President was complaining of stiffness from falling asleep in his chair.
The baggage Clinton carries and the party’s shift toward new leadership resulted in a limited role for the former president on Tuesday: he was allotted five minutes and his speech was pre-recorded at his home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
Bill Clinton spoke for Barack Obama at the 2012 Democratic National Convention – being so effective in his arguments Obama dubbed him ‘the secretary of ’splaining stuff’
Bill Clinton bowed to Barack Obama after the former president spoke on Obama’s behalf at the 2012 convention
Hillary Clinton will address the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, giving one of the few live addresses of the virtual convention.
Also speaking on Wednesday night are former President Barack Obama and Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris.