Maxine Ferran stole items worth £7,000 from the home near Warwick, where she’d been employed for 18 months
A crooked cleaner who stole money from an eight-year-old boy and was spotted wearing stolen earrings on Facebook has been jailed for 18 months.
Maxine Ferran, from Kitwell Lane, in Bartley Green, Birmingham admitted stealing £7,000 worth of items from Cliff and Paris Bradley’s family home near Warwick, where she had been employed for 18 months.
The 47-year-old stole high value items last summer, including expensive jewellery, handbags and make-up.
Warwick Crown Court heard that the mum-of-two had even stole ‘irreplaceable’ and ‘totally unique’ family heirlooms.
After she was convicted, Ferran was given extra time ahead of today’s sentencing to return an extremely rare gold coin mounted on a pendant and cuff-links that had belonged to Mr Bradley’s great-grandfather.
Ferran had denied stealing the items, but failed to attend court a week ago after telling Judge Sylvia de Bertodano she had been waiting for the items to be returned in the post.
The judge said the heirlooms had ‘importance way beyond their financial value’ and reduced the sentence by six months, following the safe return at today’s hearing.
The court heard Ferran had previous dishonesty offences which dated back to 1991 and included and offence of going equipped for burglary.
Simon Hunka, on behalf of Ferran, described the offending as ‘terrible’.
But he added: ‘She was married and has two children.
Mr and Mrs Bradley employed the cleaner at the home, where cash was stolen from an eight-year-old boy along with family heirlooms and other items
‘Five years ago her husband passed away. He was the breadwinner and as a
family everything changed.
‘Following the death she lost her home and moved in with her daughter, who
is a serving police officer.
‘Her son, who is now 20, has a number of complex issues and needs and only
this defendant can help with those needs at present.
‘She has also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, linked to the loss of her husband and the financial issues thereafter.
‘I can’t say this excuses what she has done, but it can go to explain why things have changed.
‘It has not been easy for her to get these items back. She does feel a level of remorse for what she has done and has written a letter that is to be conveyed to the family. It says that she is sorry.’
Maxine Ferran, from Birmingham, claimed to offer a professional cleaning service, but stole items worth £7,000
Proceedings were delayed when prosecutor Anthony Cartin said he believed false mitigation had been presented about Ferran’s husband’s death.
He said: ‘It’s the prosecution’s duty to bring to attention any belief that false mitigation may have been put before the court.
‘Mr Bradley has known the defendant for some time. It’s his understanding that it’s not true.
‘He says she offered her ex-husband’s services for decorating work a year ago and does not accept it to be true.’
Following a short adjournment Mr Hunka said his instructions had not changed, and Judge de Bertodano said Ferran would be sentenced without any ruling on the issue.
In jailing her for 18 months, she said: ‘The sum that you stole is between £6,000 and £7,000, but that does not quite demonstrate the damage that you did.
‘I have heard from Mr and Mrs Bradley and I have read a letter from their son. They were highly distressed by what you did and about the items of sentimental value that you took.
Ferran had denied taking the items but had six months slashed from her sentence when she returned some of the heirlooms stolen from the couple
‘You told me that you had no idea about those items, but when I gave you an
opportunity to go and find them, you did. I will give you credit for that.
‘The other element is that an eight-year-old boy had cash stolen.
‘He is a very articulate little boy. He says he treated you as a friend and that is a trust you breached.
‘I am treating this as something that has had a huge effect on this family.
‘This is theft in breach of trust. There is significant additional harm.
‘When people let others into their homes to do work for them they do place a
significant amount of trust in them.
‘When this happened again and again it is impossible to say there was not significant planning.
‘You were using this employment to steal from this family.
‘I do give you significant credit for bringing the items back and reduce the sentence from two years to 18 months.
‘I also order an indefinite restraining order that you should not contact the Bradley family directly or indirectly.’