Bizarre moment woman shaves her legs as she sits on the edge of a busy hotel swimming pool

  • The woman sits perched on the edge of the water scraping away with a razor
  •  A group of children happily paddle back and forth in front of her as she shaves
  • ‘If public pools have taught me anything, it’s that people are disgusting animals.’ wrote one social media user 

Holidays allow the stressed to shed their worries but this one decided to leave a little more behind during a recent trip to Florida.

A video has revealed a female holidaymaker shaving her legs in a packed public pool.

The footage, filmed in Florida, US, shows the lady perched on the edge of the water happily scraping away.

Just two feet away children bob past as she handles her razor, happily oblivious to her surroundings.

No other swimmers seem to bat an eyelid – apart from the cameraman who slyly records the eye-watering footage of the lady depositing her stubble into the pool.

The clip has been upvoted more than 50,000 times on the forum website Reddit and has been commented on more than 1,600 times.

One commenter added: ‘That is so disgusting.

Caught in the act: The woman was seen shaving her legs into a public pool in Florida, US

‘Imagine the inadvertent gulp of water that sometimes happens when you’re swimming.. with all the shaved hair in it.’

Another said: ‘I used to lifeguard at a YMCA so figured I’ve seen it all until this video.

If public pools have taught me anything, it’s that people are disgusting animals.’

Another commenter also recalled their time working at a public pool.

‘I used to work at a public pool and for whatever reason they attract the worst of humanity.

‘I would never swim in a public pool after that experience.’
