Blake Lively trolls husband Ryan Reynolds in his new gin commercial

Blake Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds are back at it with their social media trolling after the actor posted a new commercial on his Instagram featuring his ‘twin brother’ Gordon. 

The 41-year-old Deadpool star was announced owner and chairman of Aviation American Gin, a Portland based-Gin company. To celebrate World Gin Day on June 9, Ryan sat down for an interview with his ‘twin brother’ to discuss Fathers Day and his new movie.

After the actor posted his commercial on Instagram, his wife Blake, 30, hilariously commented on the video. She wrote: ‘S**t. Your brother is hot! I’ve made a terrible mistake…’


Hilarious: Blake Lively, 30, trolled her husband Ryan Reynolds on Instagram after he posted his new commercial for Aviation American Gin 

Dynamic duo: The couple, pictured at the Met Gala in 2015, is known for their witty commentary towards each other on social media

Dynamic duo: The couple, pictured at the Met Gala in 2015, is known for their witty commentary towards each other on social media

Roasted: Ryan Reynolds, 41, was grilled by his 'twin brother' Gordon in a new ad promoting his new gin company - Aviation American Gin

Roasted: Ryan Reynolds, 41, was grilled by his ‘twin brother’ Gordon in a new ad promoting his new gin company – Aviation American Gin

Of course, Ryan doesn’t actually have a twin brother, and actually played the part of ‘Gordon’ himself, using the nearly three-minute promotion to show off his hilarious acting skills, while poking fun at himself.

But that didn’t stop Blake from having some fun of her own about his new marketing campaign. 

Ryan was quick to comment back and join in on the funny quips. 

‘You haven’t made a mistake,’ the actor responded. ‘You’ve been living with him for over a year.’ 

The couple has previously trolled each other when promoting their other projects including Blake’s newest film entitled A Simple Favor. 

Ryan tweeted at his wife imploring her to tell him what happened in the movie since they are married. 

‘You can tell me. We’re married. You once drove me to the hospital when you were giving birth. So… what the f**k happened to Emily??’ Ryan asked on Twitter.  

But the mother-of-two refused to give up the secretive plot. She responded: ‘Oh darling, of all the secrets I’m keeping from you, this should be the LEAST of your concerns… trust me.’   

Family goals! Ryan and Blake, pictured at the actor's unveiling of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, have two children together 

Family goals! Ryan and Blake, pictured at the actor’s unveiling of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, have two children together 

Talented: Ryan doesn't actually have a twin brother (he's played by Ryan himself) but he used the nearly three-minute video to show off his acting skills 

Talented: Ryan doesn’t actually have a twin brother (he’s played by Ryan himself) but he used the nearly three-minute video to show off his acting skills 

Ryan’s new commercial started with Gordon hilariously making fun of his appearance (ironic, yes) right off the bat, But after the initial teasing, Gordon asked Ryan about his kids in anticipation of Father’s Day on June 17.  

‘It’s Father’s Day – it’s right around the corner,’ Gordon said. ‘So how are the kids? Children of celebrities always turn out normal, I’m sure they are going to be fine.’

It didn’t leave much time for Ryan to respond and instead moved on to the next question or rather statement and said: ‘So I hear Deadpool 2 is great – I haven’t seen it yet.’

Ryan, of course, asked why he hadn’t seen the movie but leave it to Gordon to come up with a cheeky response. He said: ‘I was recently diagnosed with stage four I don’t give a s**t – afraid it’s terminal.’

Teased: Right off the bat, Gordon hilariously started making fun Ryan for his appearance

Teased: Right off the bat, Gordon hilariously started making fun Ryan for his appearance

The kids are alright: Gordon then asked Ryan about his kids and said that he was sure they would turn out normal even if they were kids of celebrities 

The kids are alright: Gordon then asked Ryan about his kids and said that he was sure they would turn out normal even if they were kids of celebrities 

The conversation then shifted to his new business venture: Aviation American Gin with Gordon who said: ‘You bought a gin company – that’s so grown up of you. 

‘What about a monkey? A lot of celebs buy monkeys. Justin Bieber had a monkey, Bubbles.’ 

Ryan pointed out that it was Michael Jackson whom Gordon was referring to so Gordon immediately reverted the conversation back to gin. 

Ryan said he bought the brand simply because it’s the best gin on the planet, but Gordon wasn’t having it and asked Ryan if he was the one who invented gin. And while Ryan is a wearer of many hats, the inventor of gin is not one of them. 

And after Gordon chugged a glass of Aviation American Gin (here’s hoping it was water), he asked Ryan if he was American (which one would think Gordon would know the answer to being his twin and all) due to the namesake of the brand. 

Back at it: Ryan has been interviewed by Gordon before as part of his profile for GQ Magazine, Ryan at the Deadpool 2 Tokyo premiere on May 29

Back at it: Ryan has been interviewed by Gordon before as part of his profile for GQ Magazine, Ryan at the Deadpool 2 Tokyo premiere on May 29

Ryan was born in Vancouver, Canada, and does not know how to fly a plane, which left Gordon wondering how many celebrities passed on the job before the company found Ryan. 

But that turned out to be the tipping point for Ryan who moments later walked out of the interview leaving Gordon with just his thoughts and a bottle of gin. 

This wasn’t the first time Ryan has sat down for an interview with his ‘twin brother’ Gordon because two years ago, Ryan allowed himself to be interview by him as part of his profile for GQ Magazine. 

And judging from the new ad, Gordon has only gotten meaner with time but at least now, Ryan will have some gin to hopefully make the insults hurt a little bit less.