BLIND DATE: I went to the loo and he thought I’d done a runner!

Every week, singletons set up by FEMAIL report back on their blind dates.

This week, was it the start of a love story for young hopefuls Molly and Shawn, or the end of the road?

Molly, 24

Single for two years, no children.

Current role: Digital PR executive.

Would like to meet: An independent man with good family relationships and a good work ethic.

Molly says men usually message her to say they’ve enjoyed her company after a date

Dating past?

I was in a relationship for two years at university but have been single since then. Lately, I’ve been trying to be more cut-throat on the apps. And I have a three-date rule before I sleep with a guy.

Pre-date nerves?

A little. But I’ve been on seven dates since March, and got good feedback. Men usually message to say they’ve enjoyed my company.

First impressions?

We shared a warm hug and I noted Shawn is 5ft 10in – a tick. I might be only 5ft 2in but I prefer tall men. He put ‘working out’ as a hobby on his questionnaire so I was expecting a gym bunny, but he wasn’t like that.

He wore a striking purple satin shirt, which looked cool. While Shawn isn’t my conventional type, I need to go outside my usual zone because it hasn’t worked so far.

Easy to talk to?

We had a good chat over two hours. It wasn’t a quick meal and dash. I was starving so had olives, steak and chips and dessert.

Shawn worked at a Mayfair hotel where he met my celebrity crush, Elvis actor Austin Butler. Now he’s trying to become a social media content creator.

We mentioned past relationships. Shawn hasn’t had much luck with women and isn’t that confident. I came back from the loo to find he was chatting to the guys at the next table. They tried to convince him I’d left – I’d never do that!

Embarrassing moments?

No, it was pretty civilised.

Did sparks fly?

No. I am someone who makes up their mind right away. The hug was awkward, which didn’t help.

See him again?

No. Shawn is keen to become a YouTube celebrity — that doesn’t do anything for me. I didn’t walk with him to the station as I hate awkward small talk. He asked for my Instagram and said, enigmatically, he hoped our paths would cross again.

What do you think he thought of you?

Shawn’s hard to read. He didn’t give me any compliments, but I guess he liked me as next day he ‘liked’ pictures on my Insta grid.

Would your friends like him?

I don’t see why not. But we’re like chalk and cheese so they’d be confused why I was with him.

Molly’s verdict: 5/10

Liked? He was good company.

Regrets? None at all.

Coffee or cab? Cab.

Shawn, 25

Single for nine months, no children.

Current role: Corporate administrator.

Would like to meet: An adventurous, healthy woman who can cook a curry as well as me.

Shawn says he was surprised his date ordered steak and chips

Shawn says he was surprised his date ordered steak and chips

Dating past?

I’ve never dated anyone long enough to call it a relationship. Sadly, women my age tend to get drunk every weekend and puff on strawberry vapes. It’s so unattractive.

Pre-date nerves?

A blind date is a big deal. But I never duck a challenge.

First impressions?

Molly has pretty eyes and wore a stunning dress. I complimented her and gave her a hug to say hello. It’s lucky for her I was early, as I’m usually late for dates. I kept one woman waiting 30 minutes. She blocked me on her phone.

Easy to talk to?

Yes, although I was preoccupied with the menu at first. I’ve been on a red-meat-only protein diet so went for chicken for a change.

I’ve been trying to increase my muscle mass, but so far I’ve been putting on fat instead. I work out seven days a week.

I was surprised she ordered steak and chips on a date. Women don’t normally eat food like that, do they? And she polished it all off! She told me her sister met her husband on a blind date. I wanted to jokingly propose to her but I wasn’t sure how she’d take it.

Embarrassing moments?

When Molly was in the loo, one of two gents on the next table said, ‘Has she left?’ I said if she has, you guys can join me. She came back (thankfully).

Did sparks fly?

There was some chemistry. It took two hours for me to realise she’s something special. I am sure I saw something in her expression which said she felt the same. I’d say she was putting an effort into flirting, so I did the same. The clue was how much she was laughing.

See her again?

Yes, maybe for a bowling date? While Molly has the eyes of the woman of my dreams, I didn’t get that instant gut punch, so I need to see her again to see if it’s there.

What do you think she thought of you?

I’m good at reading other people. I think she thought I was a cool guy and good fun, but I don’t think Molly was feeling any romance.

Would your friends like her?

They would tell me to make it work because Molly is dreamy.

Shawn’s verdict: 8/10

Liked? I had a lot of fun.

Regrets? I wish I’d gone for the chocolate dessert.

Coffee or cab? Coffee.
