Blue Mountains black panther-like creature revealed

One of Australia oldest legends captured the nation’s attention this week, making people question if large black panthers were living out in the Australian bush.

Residents living west of Sydney were gripped after grainy footage emerged of a large black cat-like creature making its way through the grass was shared online.

Steven Musier, who filmed the footage, said the animal looked much larger than a normal feral cat, standing more than one metre high and as wide as the bonnet of a car.

The possible panther sighting (pictured) took place near Cox’s Rover in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney on the weekend

‘It’s wasn’t just your domestic cat gone feral,’ he said. ‘We see feral cats all the time, and we could film them all day long and that was definitely not a feral cat.’ 

The footage even had sceptics questioning if the large black cat could be a real panther. 

But now the mystery has been shattered by a local who claims it was just her house cat, Toby, out for a regular stroll.   

Local Blackheath resident Dannielle Duffy was amused to realise that the enormous black panther was in fact just her 14-year-old short-haired rescue cat.

To prove it, she posted a video of her son walking in front of the ‘panther’ saying she filmed it from the exact location but zoomed in.

‘This is the Lithgow panther. We filmed from the same location that the panther hunters did, only we didn’t zoom all the way out. Same location, same animal. Insert X files music here,’she wrote with the video. 

Local Blackheath resident Dannielle Duffy is pictured here with her 'panther' Toby

Local Blackheath resident Dannielle Duffy is pictured here with her ‘panther’ Toby

In the video you can see her son walking along, clearly followed by a smaller, yet still dignified, four legged creature. 

Speaking to 9News, Ms Duffy said she realised at once that it was Toby when she saw the video. 

‘After checking the news footage, I was convinced immediately that the animal featured was our Toby,’ she said.

‘I know the exact location that the cat was filmed; I know my cat and how he moves, and I know that it was the neighbour’s house that can be seen in the footage.

‘My first impression of this ‘panther’ was laughter. My children and I laughed and laughed because we knew straight away that it was just Toby on one of his walks.’ 

The 14-year-old short-haired rescue cat often prowls the area where he was filmed

The 14-year-old short-haired rescue cat often prowls the area where he was filmed

She said as soon a she saw the video she knew it was the family cat just out for a stroll

She said as soon a she saw the video she knew it was the family cat just out for a stroll