Boat captain almost crushed by his pick-up after brake fails as he’s backing craft into water in Florida

Boat captain almost crushed by his pick-up after brake fails as he’s backing craft into water in Florida

  • A boat captain narrowly escaped being crushed by his pickup truck after his parking brake malfunctioned while he was trying to back his boat into the water 
  • Individuals can be seen carefully maneuvering the boat into the water at the Miami marina; the driver loses his footing and dragged into the water by the car
  • The man, struggling to regain his footing, eventually managed to escape from the water, only to watch helplessly as his car began to float away

A boat captain was almost crushed by his pickup as his parking brake failed while backing his craft into the water.

The footage was captured by Alfred Montana who trains his camera on the boat ramp at Black Point Marina south of Miami, while people negotiate placing their vessels delicately into the waters.

As the car is slowly backed into the water, the driver can be seen standing next to the open door.

Usually at this point, the boat would be uncoupled from the truck allowing it to float freely on the water. 

A boat captain narrowly escaped being crushed by his pickup truck after his parking brake malfunctioned while he was trying to back his boat into the water

The driver loses his footing and is almost dragged under by his reversing vehicle

The driver loses his footing and is almost dragged under by his reversing vehicle

The man slipped and struggled to regain his footing, eventually managing to escape from the water, only to watch helplessly as his car began to float away

The man slipped and struggled to regain his footing, eventually managing to escape from the water, only to watch helplessly as his car began to float away

Somehow, the man involved loses his footing and is almost dragged under by his still reversing vehicle. 

Another couple who are docked at a nearby jetty see what is unfolding before them and quickly speed away in reverse. 

Had they not done, the boat that was being backed up would have almost certainly have crashed into them. 

Other onlookers on the jetty appear astounded by what has unfolded.

The man manages to scramble out of the water only to see his car floating away before him. 

There’s little that can be done at this point as the vehicle resembles that of a fellow boat.

Other boaters seem at a loss as to what can be done to salvage the vehicle. 

Minutes later, the car is no longer visible above the surface, having sunk into the waters of the marina.

The incident happened on July 4th weekend in Miami Florida but video of the unfortunate event has only just gone viral on social media.  

A diver, seen left, helps a tow truck haul the pickup out of the marina waters

A diver, seen left, helps a tow truck haul the pickup out of the marina waters

Water can be seen pouring out of the pickup once the doors are opened

Water can be seen pouring out of the pickup once the doors are opened

A tow truck eventually takes the pickup truck away

A tow truck eventually takes the pickup truck away 

Later, a tow truck arrives on the scene and with the help of a deep sea diver manages to tie a rope around the front of the sunken car, which is by now several feet out in deep water. 

The truck hauls the black pickup out of the water as marina staff and police stand around in awe of the operation. 

Water can be seen pouring out through the car doors as the contents of the marina flow out from the vehicles interior.
