Body builder, 51, believes that being fit has helped STOP the effects of menopause 

A 51-year-old body building champion claims she has stopped her menopause by being ultra fit.

Jane Curnow, from Sydney, is the fittest she’s ever been and because of this she doesn’t get the side effects that menopause causes. 

‘I am currently in menopause medically, but I don’t get the symptoms. I don’t get hot flushes, or sweats and I don’t struggle to sleep at night,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘So many women my age whinge and complain about menopause but I choose to look and feel 30 and my body responds accordingly.’

Jane Curnow, 51, from Sydney, is the fittest she’s ever been and because of this she doesn’t get the side effects that menopause causes

‘I think menopause is something that women are told they have to experience and is just a part of life, but I don’t believe this is true,’ she added. 

Jane explained that she has more energy now than she ever did when she was in her 30s. 

‘My health and fitness is a huge factor as to why menopause hasn’t been a big deal, I’m reverse ageing and this is because I devote my life to health and fitness. If you do you’ll get more out of life,’ she said.   

‘If you don’t want to suffer the symptoms you’ve got to look after your body, you’ve got to fuel it correctly. 

‘To me this is a celebration, your period stops, isn’t that great? I don’t have that anymore and I’m excited for this time of life.’

Jane explained that she has more energy now than she did when she was in her 30s

Jane explained that she has more energy now than she did when she was in her 30s

'My health and fitness is a huge factor as to why menopause hasn't been a big deal, I'm reverse ageing and this is because I devote my life to health and fitness,' she said

‘My health and fitness is a huge factor as to why menopause hasn’t been a big deal, I’m reverse ageing and this is because I devote my life to health and fitness,’ she said

Jane has had a turbulent past as she has survived two suicide attempts and battled addiction and depression.

‘If you look at my history you can tell that now I’ve been reborn. Although it was my personal journey, I spent so many years in depression, partly because of my mindset,’ she explained

‘Looking after your body as far as diet and exercise is concerned is a huge component of my life, but I wouldn’t have recovered if I hadn’t done all the mind changing techniques.’

Jane has had a turbulent past as she has survived two suicide attempts and battled addiction and depression

Jane has had a turbulent past as she has survived two suicide attempts and battled addiction and depression

'Looking after your body as far as diet and exercise is concerned is a huge component of my life, but I wouldn't have recovered if I hadn't done all the mind changing techniques,' she said

‘Looking after your body as far as diet and exercise is concerned is a huge component of my life, but I wouldn’t have recovered if I hadn’t done all the mind changing techniques,’ she said


Breakfast: Skip

Snack: Skip 

Lunch: Carrot or celery stick

Snack: Skip 

Dinner: A lean cuisine meal

– Jane would skip every meal apart from lunch and dinner, but even then she wouldn’t consume much 


Breakfast:  Oats before and after training

Snack: Chicken and avocado with Himalayan rock salt

Lunch: Chicken salad with avocado

Snack: Chicken and mayonnaise

Dinner: Fresh vegetables with chicken

Dessert: Protein pudding 

Jane has lived with the mental illness since becoming estranged from her family after a troubled childhood. 

She says she went through the traditional approaches to handling her condition, but it wasn’t until she began competing as a bodybuilder that she was able find self-worth and self confidence. 

‘You’ve got to change your mindset as well. Yes you can change your diet and your exercise routine but if you’re negative, whinging and complaining, then you don’t change,’ she said.

Jane has lived with the mental illness since becoming estranged from her family after a troubled childhood

Jane has lived with the mental illness since becoming estranged from her family after a troubled childhood

Jane attributes her recovery to many different factors, but she believes it’s extremely important to nourish your mind as well as your body.

She also believes this is the main reason her ageing process has been halted.

‘You need to consciously and purposefully seek out positive influences on your mind or you fall prey to the negativity of the world,’ she said.

‘I’m feeding my mind with reading, affirmations and health gurus. If you can change your mind you can change anything.

‘So many of us women suffer from low self worth and it’s the corner stone of all of our issues. I hated myself during that time.’

Jane attributes her recovery to many different factors, but she believes it's extremely important to nourish your mind as well as your body

Jane attributes her recovery to many different factors, but she believes it’s extremely important to nourish your mind as well as your body

'So many of us women suffer from low self worth and it's the corner stone of all of our issues. I hated myself during that time,' she said

‘So many of us women suffer from low self worth and it’s the corner stone of all of our issues. I hated myself during that time,’ she said

It was when she was 46 that she decided to enter her first bodybuilding competition after having worked as a fitness model.

Although she looked healthy, she was anything but as she was driven to get on stage purely by ego.

‘I was petrified and I knew I didn’t have the confidence but I thought it was the answer to all of my misery,’ she said.

She entered her first competition in March 2013 and she was instantly hungry for more. During this period she had started doing positive affirmations so she could get on stage.

It was when she was 46 that she decided to enter her first bodybuilding competition after having worked as a fitness model

It was when she was 46 that she decided to enter her first bodybuilding competition after having worked as a fitness model

By the time she had her second competition in October that year, her way of thinking had completely changed.

With this change also came a completely different diet as she started to look after her health and she was now motivated by self improvement, rather than self-hate. 

‘I’ve changed the paths in my brain. Women my age need to address the mind set and the rest will fall into place,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘My transformation wasn’t a skinny weight loss one, I was skinny originally but I hated myself and I hated my life.

‘It was an inside transformation and it saved my life, which is more important.’

Although Jane now eats five to seven meals a day, it used to be a completely different story. 

When her mental health started to improve, so did her diet, as she started to look after her health and she was now motivated by self improvement, rather than self-hate

When her mental health started to improve, so did her diet, as she started to look after her health and she was now motivated by self improvement, rather than self-hate

When her mental health started to improve, so did her diet, as she started to look after her health and she was now motivated by self improvement, rather than self-hate

‘I was skipping meals, binge eating and drinking. We’re simply not educated to look after this magnificent machine we own,’ she said.

‘I didn’t care about how much I abused my body. I would skip meals and I just wanted to be skinny, if you nourish your body it would reward you, like it has for me.’

Now Jane cooks everything she owns and aims to have the most nutritious food possible.

She focuses on vegetables and cold meats and never uses a microwave so only eats fresh food.

Jane does five weight sessions a week and makes sure she also fits in one session of cardio as well. 

‘People say I’m obsessed with my health. Yeah I am, because it helped me with my depression,’ she said.

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