Body language expert reveals what Trump’s handshake with Kim Jong-un means

President Trump and King Jong-un came face-to-face for the first time as the world watched the historic meeting Monday night.

The meeting was formal as both leaders stepped onto the red carpet from opposite ends of the stage to greet each other with a highly anticipated handshake.

Speaking to, a body language expert broke down the moment the men first appeared on stage, to the firm and tight handshake which she says displayed power on both ends.

Patti Wood, who has studied body language for decades, revealed how Western and Asian cultural customs would analyze the meeting differently – determining that each would deem their own leaders ‘winners’ of the first interaction.

Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump’s handshake at their historic meeting was tight and firm, displaying signs of power on each end 

Body language expert, Patti Wood, said the two man appeared from either side of the stage walking at the same pace, showing 'equality of power'

Body language expert, Patti Wood, said the two man appeared from either side of the stage walking at the same pace, showing ‘equality of power’

Wood says that in previous presidential debates between the final two candidates, the one who touches the other's upper arm is thought to have won the debate before it even starts 

Wood says that in previous presidential debates between the final two candidates, the one who touches the other’s upper arm is thought to have won the debate before it even starts 

In typical Trump fashion, he extended his arm first to initiate the handshake 

In typical Trump fashion, he extended his arm first to initiate the handshake 

Wood began identifying the men’s body language the moment they appeared from either side of the stage. 

She said the speed the men walked displayed ‘equality of power’.

‘They both came out from each side of the stage at pretty much the same time and walked toward each other at the same speed, showing equality of power.’ 

Then, in typical Trump fashion, he extended his arm first to initiate the handshake.

‘He came out strong, put his hand out and stretched it to make himself appear even larger than he is,’ Wood said. 

She called the gesture Trump’s ‘baseline behavior’. 

‘In business settings its typically the less powerful person who initiates the handshake,’ Wood said. ‘I find it interesting he uses it as a dominant move.’

With one hand meeting the North Korean president’s, Trump’s left hand then reached up to grab Kim Jong-un’s upper arm. 

Wood called it a ‘power handshake on the upper arm’. 

This is a gesture she has seen before while analyzing presidential debates between the final candidates.

‘In a presidential debate, the one who touches the upper outer arm with their left hand in the handshake is typically seen as the winner of the debate before it even starts,’ Wood said. 

 ‘Our limbic brain would say Trump has already won.’ 

However, Wood adds that different cultures perceive touching differently. 

‘People in the US would say Trump won,’ Wood said. ‘People in other cultures would say he was unsophisticated and showed a lack of knowledge of other countries, therefore showing a lack of respect.’ 

She noted that in the initial meeting Kim barely responded to the president’s touch, and instead remained still and strong.

‘Restraint is a sign of power in many Asian cultures,’ she said. ‘Diplomats are taught not to touch in that way in Asian countries.’ 

‘Every time I’m witnessing body language on the world stage I’m cognizant of how other cultures would view it.’ 

Neither man smiled during the formal photo, taken on a red carpet in front of alternating American and North Korean flags

Neither man smiled during the formal photo, taken on a red carpet in front of alternating American and North Korean flags

President Donald Trump says ‘it’s an honor’ to be meeting with Kim Jong-un, whom he expects to have ‘a terrific relationship’ with now that they’ve been personally introduced

Trump was very touchy as a sign of power, whereas Asian culture displays restraint as superior - something that Kim showed

Trump was very touchy as a sign of power, whereas Asian culture displays restraint as superior – something that Kim showed

The handshake itself was long yet tight. During the handshake, each of the men’s hands only moved very slightly up and down.

‘This shows both of them in competition not to have the other move his hand.’ 

Woods said Trump typically likes to lead the handshake but was not able to do that in this case.

It also was not clear who let go first, meaning the men were equal. Trump typically holds on until the other person lets go first. 

The first to let go during a handshake ‘loses’ the competition of who is in power and control., according to Wood.

Trump was also talking to Kim during their initial meeting, despite the two men using translators to communicate. 

‘I think that makes him [Trump] feel in control and he was talking to get Kim to do things, if you would.’ Wood said. 

‘The speaking was to initiate a change in what they were doing and it looks like Kim was understanding.’    

However, Wood said the most powerful person is not usually the speaker.

The will observe and have more power in being quiet,’ she said. ‘The restrain in the body language mean he’s superior.’

Trump and Kim shared a hearty handshake, exchanged pleasantries for the cameras and met one-on-one for 38 minutes with only translators present

Trump and Kim shared a hearty handshake, exchanged pleasantries for the cameras and met one-on-one for 38 minutes with only translators present

Trump and Kim shared a hearty handshake, exchanged pleasantries for the cameras and met one-on-one for 38 minutes with only translators present while the world watched with anticipation as their summit unfolded. 

‘Many people in the world will think of this as a … form of fantasy … from a science fiction movie,’ he told the president, in a remark repeated by a translator that could be heard.

‘I feel really great. I feel really great,’ Trump told reporters as he sat down for his initial meeting with Kim. ‘We’re going to have a great discussion, and I think a tremendous success. It’s gonna be be tremendously successful. And it’s an honor, and we will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt.’

Kim – whose voice is rarely if ever heard in the west – told the US president, ‘Well, it was not easy to get here. The past worked as fetters on our limbs, and the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles on our way forward. But we overcame all of them, and we are here today,’ he said, as interpreted by a translator.

‘That’s true,’ Trump said in agreement, shaking his counterpart’s hand and making what appeared to be joke that was audible to only the two men and their translators as reporters were led out out of the room.

Trump and Kim then held private talks with only their translators for some 45 minutes before walking together along a route that provided them with another opportunity to speak to press.

‘Very, very good. Excellent relationship,’ Trump told a tightly-restricted group of assembled journalists.