Bolton man hid the dead body of his girlfriend in cupboard

A possessive boyfriend secretly kept the dead body of his girlfriend in his airing cupboard for 15 months after he falsely told her family she dumped him and used her phone and took her benefits to cover it up.

Andrew Reade, 43, wrapped the corpse of mother of three Victoria Cherry, 44, in a duvet and plastic sheet when she died in suspicious circumstances at his Bolton home in October 2015.

But her body wasn’t found by police until January this year – 15 months after it was first concealed.

When quizzed by detectives Reade said the couple had been taking prescription drugs the night before and claimed: ‘Vicky dying was the worst day of my f***ing life. Don’t get me wrong I feel I have done something terrible I should do a lot of years in jail but I did not murder anybody.’

Ms Cherry suffered injuries consistent with being strangled and Reade was arrested on suspicion of murder but a cause of death could not be established and he was jailed for a lesser preventing a burial charge.

Victoria Cherry's body was found in an airing cupboard in Bolton

Andrew Reade, 43, wrapped the corpse of mother of three Victoria Cherry in a duvet and plastic sheet when she died in suspicious circumstances at his Manchester home in October 2015.

But her body wasn't found by police at his home in Bolton until January this year - 15 months after it was first concealed in an airing cupboard

But her body wasn’t found by police at his home in Bolton until January this year – 15 months after it was first concealed in an airing cupboard

Reade had lied to 44-year old Miss Cherry’s mother and daughter and said she moved away to Blackpool before cashing in £1,000 of the dead woman’s benefits.

He also sent messages to another relative purporting to be from Miss Cherry and when she was reported missing, he twice fobbed off police with lies when they asked him about her whereabouts.

Detectives uncovered the grisly truth last January when they raided Reade’s home in Bolton, Greater Manchester and found Miss Cherry’s remains after being tipped off she was already dead.

Reade was arrested on suspicion of murder but claimed he found Miss Cherry dead in bed next to her.

Last June he was jailed for four years and four months after he admitted preventing a lawful burial and perverting justice in what a judge branded a ‘mission of deceit.’

On Thursday this week Reade was due to attend an inquest into Miss Cherry’s death to answer questions from the victim’s family about what happened to her – but he refused to leave his cell.

The Bolton hearing was told the pair met in 20914 and set up home together but he was said to be ‘possessive’ and Miss Cherry told relatives she was planning to leave him.

Her mother Janet told the Bolton hearing: ‘The last time I saw Vicky was at her grandma’s funeral and he was there with Andrew. They seemed to be very close but he appeared a bit possessive.

‘She did say she was having some relationship problems but said she was excited because Andrew was taking her out. He was very possessive of her and at one point she said she was going to leave him and she was packing her bags. We were in contact by phone until September 2015 but she did seem happy the last time that I spoke to her.’

Reade was arrested on suspicion of murder but claimed he found Miss Cherry dead in bed next to her at home (pictured)

Reade was arrested on suspicion of murder but claimed he found Miss Cherry dead in bed next to her at home (pictured)

Miss Cherry’s daughter Robyn said: ‘She would text me multiple times a day and we would speak by phone twice a week. She sent me pictures of her and Andrew and she seemed happy and healthy. But the last message I received from her was on September 29.

‘I messaged her a week later to see if she was okay and I got no reply. A week later I text and phoned again and I heard nothing so I tried a number I had for Andrew. On the October 30 I received a message he had separated from Vicky and she moved to Blackpool.

‘He sent me a text message later that night asking me to ring him and I just thought he was going to have a whinge and moan so I didn’t bother. On November 9 he texted me to tell me she was living at a hostel in Blackburn.

Cherry's possessive boyfriend told her family she had fled to Blackpool, claimed her benefits and used her phone to continue his ruse for 15 months

Cherry’s possessive boyfriend told her family she had fled to Blackpool, claimed her benefits and used her phone to continue his ruse for 15 months

‘I spoke to relatives who had also tried to contact her but they had not had any response. I had no further conversation with Andrew and she became treated as a missing person.’

Police got a search warrant to raid Reade’s first floor flat when officers found out he told his local pharmacy Miss Cherry had died many months before.

When quizzed by officers Reade said the couple had been taking prescription drugs the night before and claimed: ‘Vicky dying was the worst day of my f***ing life. Don’t get me wrong I feel I have done something terrible I should do a lot of years in jail but I did not murder anybody.’

He added: : ‘Me and Vicky fell asleep and I woke up to her lying over me and I could tell something wasn’t right. I tried to wake her up but she was pale and cold. Why I didn’t ring for help I don’t know. I panicked. I just rolled her up into a duvet and put a plastic sheet round her and I put her in the boiler cupboard and I have left her there since.’

Home Office Pathologist, Dr Phillip Lumb said: ‘Upon external examination her body was severely decomposed which made assessment very difficult but I could see some damage to her neck. Parts of her voice box were fractured and she had a fracture to the nose and left cheek as well as to the top of the skull which may have been weeks to months old.

‘The injuries to the neck could have been caused by manual or ligature strangulation caused by pressure to the neck but because of the decomposition we cannot look for scratch of finger marks.’

Toxicology tests revealed traces of morphine, Diazepam, Methadone, Pregaballin and Ibroprofen in Miss Cherry’s system. Det Ch Insp Terry Crompton from Greater Manchester Police told the hearing: Reade had been spoken to on two previous occasions and the first time he told police that she had left in September 2015 to live in Blackburn and that he had not seen her since.

‘When he was visited a second time he gave contrary evidence that he had last seen her in November 2015 when the relationship had ended amicably and that she had gone to Blackburn to meet with her ex-boyfriend and that he had not heard from her since. Some justice has been done and we have a number of hypothesis – but none that we can act on.’

Recording an open conclusion, Coroner Alan Walsh said: ‘There have been a number of deceptions from Reade and it is very dangerous to accept his evidence. We know that she had some fractures in the neck structure that could also cause death and other matters but her body was severely decomposed. None of these hypothesis attract significant evidence for me to reach a conclusion.’

In a statement Robyn told how in the days before she disappeared, her mother had been texting her saying how much she loved her and was proud of her. 

She added: ‘How can someone put us through 15 months of not knowing where she was, lying to us and hiding her body from us.

‘It makes me angry, frustrated and upset. We can lay her to rest but this is still going to torture us. We will never know how she died and we will never recover from the images and thoughts of how she died. My mum might not have been perfect but she loved me and I loved her.’