Bondi beach drowning: Russian DJ killed after being washed off rocks

A popular Russian DJ who drowned while swimming at Bondi beach on Saturday has been remembered as the ‘kindest human being in the world’.

Andrei Ivanov, 47, and his wife Yulia, 45, were standing on the rocks at the north end of the beach when a rogue wave washed them into the ocean. She managed to swim back to safety, however her husband disappeared below the surface of the water. After searching the large swell for 30 minutes lifesavers eventually pulled Mr Ivanov to land and performed CPR, but could not revive him. As news of his death filtered back to his homeland, his friends flooded Facebook to pay tribute to the talented DJ.

Popular Russian DJ Andrei Ivanov (pictured) who drowned while swimming at Bondi beach on Saturday has been remembered as the ‘kindest human being in the world’

Mr Ivanov’s friend Alexandra Kallas told Daily Mail Australia she ‘wanted the world to know who he was’. ‘He was the nicest, the kindest human being in the whole world,’ Mrs Kallas said. ‘He met his wife Yulia back then, and they were an amazing, loving, fun couple that everybody loved. ‘He was one of the legends of the Russian nightclub scene and an incredible human being. We all will miss him forever.’

Mr Ivanov became popular throughout Russia in the early 1990s where he regularly appeared on radio station Maximum. Under the name Triplex he regularly produced hit albums and held residencies at a number of top nightclubs. Leading dance DJ Pavel Loginov posted: ‘The big news today just killed me… we will remember you… Andrei Ivanov’.

Shocked swimmers who witnessed the horror drowning told how Mrs Ivanov was at the water’s edge screaming in despair after her husband disappeared.

Leading dance producer Pavel Loginov posted on Facebook: 'The news today just killed me...'

Leading dance producer Pavel Loginov posted on Facebook: ‘The news today just killed me…’

Prominent trance DJ Vladimir Fonarev paid tribute on Instagram, posting: 'We will remember you... Andrey Ivanov (Triplex)'

Prominent trance DJ Vladimir Fonarev paid tribute on Instagram, posting: ‘We will remember you… Andrey Ivanov (Triplex)’

‘The lady was covered in blood and screaming for her partner as he was drowning,’ a female swimmer said. ‘We watched as they plucked him out later and it was obvious he had passed (and) all I could think is the horror she would be going through.’

A Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter was deployed about 5.30pm Saturday to aid in the search for Mr Ivanov. About 6pm lifeguards in on jet skis and in dinghys pulled his body from the water. Mrs Ivanov suffered cuts and two broken toes in her desperate efforts to escape the large swell and was rushed to St Vincents hospital, but has since been released. NSW Ambulance duty operations manager Sally Groves said it was an ‘absolutely horrendous outcome’. ‘Paramedics worked closely with other emergency services and did everything possible to try and save his life, but sadly he was unable to be saved,’ Ms Groves said. ‘No matter what you are doing near the water, please be vigilant – it is not worth risking your life.’

Despite the mostly sunny day, beaches across Sydney have continued to be plagued by large swells, a week after severe storms smashed the city.

The Bureau of Meteorology issued a hazardous surf warning for coastal activities in the Hunter region, Sydney, the Illawarra, Batemans region and Eden Coast.