Bonfires are lit across the country as Britain marks Guy Fawkes’ gunpowder plot

Bonfire night celebrations are underway across Britain this evening, as hundreds gather to mark Guy Fawkes’ failed gunpowder plot to blow up Parliament. 

The streets of Lewes are alight with fire and celebration as pavements through the historic East Sussex town are packed with spectators.

Among the centrepieces of the annual festival are the controversial effigies, which often take the form of well-known politicians and celebrities. 

In 2018 a giant portrayal of Boris Johnson holding an axe and Theresa May’s severed head was set on fire.

In Skinningrove, North Yorkshire a ‘Greatest Showman’ themed bonfire was set alight in tribute to North Skelton ironstone miner Harry Cooper who was born locally in 1853 spotted by PT Barnum.  

While in Ottery St Mary in Devon the traditional burning tar barrels are carried through the streets on the backs of locals who pass the flaming objects from person to person.

The celebrations take their name from Guy Fawkes – the ringleader of the Catholic plot designed to assassinate the Protestant King James I and replace him with a Catholic.

It has been celebrated each year ever since, with communities marking it with fireworks and lighting bonfires which they burn a Guy on.    

Pavements along the narrow thoroughfares through the historic East Sussex town are packed every year with onlookers eager to catch a glimpse of the centuries-old traditions.

Children from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Children from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

A 'Greatest Showman' themed bonfire burns in Skinningrove, North Yorkshire as part of an annual themed bonfire reflecting the area's history. It was made in tribute to North Skelton ironstone miner Harry Cooper who was born locally in 1853 and later spotted by PT Barnum - who made Harry a celebrity in America, being one of the tallest men in the world

A ‘Greatest Showman’ themed bonfire burns in Skinningrove, North Yorkshire as part of an annual themed bonfire reflecting the area’s history. It was made in tribute to North Skelton ironstone miner Harry Cooper who was born locally in 1853 and later spotted by PT Barnum – who made Harry a celebrity in America, being one of the tallest men in the world

Participants from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Participants from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Participants parade through the town during the annual Bonfire Night festivities in Lewes, Britain

Participants parade through the town during the annual Bonfire Night festivities in Lewes, Britain

Participants from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Participants from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Bonfire societies parade through the streets during traditional Bonfire Night celebrations on November 5, 2019 in Lewes

Bonfire societies parade through the streets during traditional Bonfire Night celebrations on November 5, 2019 in Lewes

Revellers' torches are thrown into the fire after being paraded through the streets of Lewes in East Sussex

Revellers’ torches are thrown into the fire after being paraded through the streets of Lewes in East Sussex

Among the centrepieces of the annual festival are the controversial effigies, which often take the form of well-known politicians and celebrities. In 2018 a giant portrayal of Boris Johnson holding an axe and Theresa May's severed head was set on fire, to the delight of the chanting crowds

Among the centrepieces of the annual festival are the controversial effigies, which often take the form of well-known politicians and celebrities. In 2018 a giant portrayal of Boris Johnson holding an axe and Theresa May’s severed head was set on fire, to the delight of the chanting crowds 

Dubbed the UK's bonfire capital, the town's seven bonfire societies are known for producing controversial tableaux of public figures which are paraded by torchlight before being set on fire

Dubbed the UK’s bonfire capital, the town’s seven bonfire societies are known for producing controversial tableaux of public figures which are paraded by torchlight before being set on fire

People from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carrying the traditional burning tar barrels through the streets this evening

People from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carrying the traditional burning tar barrels through the streets this evening

The event in Lewes not only marks the tale of Guy Fawkes and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot on November 5 1605, but also commemorates the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs in the town's High Street in the 16th century. To mark their demise, 17 burning crosses are traditionally carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the war memorial

The event in Lewes not only marks the tale of Guy Fawkes and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot on November 5 1605, but also commemorates the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs in the town’s High Street in the 16th century. To mark their demise, 17 burning crosses are traditionally carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the war memorial

Children from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Children from the village of Ottery St Mary in Devon carry traditional burning tar barrels through the streets of the village on bonfire night

Participants parade through the town during the annual Bonfire Night festivities in Lewes, Britain

Participants parade through the town during the annual Bonfire Night festivities in Lewes, Britain

Ahead of the event in Lewes tonight (pictured), Sussex Police Superintendent Howard Hodges said: 'Public safety is our priority, and that's why we're urging everyone to stay local this bonfire night. 'Whilst recognising the tradition of Lewes Bonfire night, it is important the event held - and those attending - are kept safe'

Ahead of the event in Lewes tonight (pictured), Sussex Police Superintendent Howard Hodges said: ‘Public safety is our priority, and that’s why we’re urging everyone to stay local this bonfire night. ‘Whilst recognising the tradition of Lewes Bonfire night, it is important the event held – and those attending – are kept safe’

The event not only marks the tale of Guy Fawkes and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot on November 5 1605, but also commemorates the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs in the town's High Street in the 16th century. To mark their demise, 17 burning crosses (pictured) are traditionally carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the war memorial

Participants parade through the town of Lewes in East Sussex during an annual bonfire night procession held by the Lewes Bonfire Societies

The event not only marks the tale of Guy Fawkes and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot on November 5 1605, but also commemorates the burning of 17 Protestant martyrs in the town’s High Street in the 16th century. To mark their demise, 17 burning crosses (left) are traditionally carried through the town, and a wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the war memorial

The celebrations (pictured in Lewes, East Sussex) take their name from Guy Fawkes - the ringleader of the Catholic plot designed to assassinate the Protestant King James I and replace him with a Catholic

The celebrations (pictured in Lewes, East Sussex) take their name from Guy Fawkes – the ringleader of the Catholic plot designed to assassinate the Protestant King James I and replace him with a Catholic

Revellers' torches are carried through the streets of Lewes in East Sussex during the annual bonfire night celebrations today

Revellers’ torches are carried through the streets of Lewes in East Sussex during the annual bonfire night celebrations today

Shops were boarded up as the quaint Sussex town of Lewes prepared for one of the most famous annual Bonfire Night celebrations in the county

Shops were boarded up as the quaint Sussex town of Lewes prepared for one of the most famous annual Bonfire Night celebrations in the county

The event marks Guy Fawkes Night and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and commemorates the memory seventeen Protestant martyrs from the town who were burned at the stake

The event marks Guy Fawkes Night and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and commemorates the memory seventeen Protestant martyrs from the town who were burned at the stake

The event marks Guy Fawkes Night and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and commemorates the memory seventeen Protestant martyrs from the town who were burned at the stake

The event marks Guy Fawkes Night and the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and commemorates the memory seventeen Protestant martyrs from the town who were burned at the stake

Participants parade through the town of Lewes in East Sussex during an annual bonfire night procession held by the Lewes Bonfire Societies

Participants parade through the town of Lewes in East Sussex during an annual bonfire night procession held by the Lewes Bonfire Societies

A number of local societies now pick a prominent celebrity or politician to be placed on top of the bonfire, with previous guys including Nigel Farage , US President Donald Trump and Cherie Blair

A number of local societies now pick a prominent celebrity or politician to be placed on top of the bonfire, with previous guys including Nigel Farage , US President Donald Trump and Cherie Blair

**Are you at bonfire night celebrations? Email in your spectacular images to**

What is the history of Bonfire Night and the history of the Guy? 

Bonfire Night – formally known as Guy Fawkes Night – marks the failed gunpowder plot to blow up Parliament.

It takes its name from Guy Fawkes – the ringleader of the Catholic plot designed to assassinate the Protestant King James I and replace him with a Catholic.

The plot failed, the conspirators were discovered and they were all hanged, drawn and quartered.

Londoners celebrated James I surviving the murder attempt by lighting bonfires around the city, and within months Guy Fawkes Night was established.

It has been celebrated each year ever since, with communities marking it with fireworks and lighting bonfires which they burn a Guy on.

Many local societies now pick public figures to be celebrity guys which they burn on giant fires.

Politicians are often selected for the dubious honour. Donald Trump, Cherie Blair and Nigel Farage have all been burnt at public Bonfire ceremonies in recent years.