Bootlegger flees the country after making ‘fake alcohol’

  • A man allegedly made and sold fake alcohol in outback factories and then fled
  • An anonymous letter revealed how there were fears someone would be poisoned
  • He avoided $30 million of taxes and then fled the country before being caught

A man sparked fears of a poisoning when he allegedly made fake alcohol in outback factories in Australia.

The bootlegger avoided $30 million of taxes on ‘fake spirits’ after distilling ethanol in secret locations. 

The man fled the country, possibly to ‘south-east Asia’ before he was caught by police, the ABC reports. 

He allegedly made fake alcohol in outback

A man sparked fears of a poisoning when he allegedly made fake alcohol in outback factories in Australia (stock photos)

An anonymous letter sent to the Australian Tax office revealed the man ‘avoided tax’ on at least $30 million in liquor sales.

‘He will end up poisoning someone soon,’ the letter seen by the ABC stated. 

‘He has never been licensed to distill or manufacture spirits of any kind.’ 

The vodka was traced back to the outback distillery in NSW, but the bootlegger had left by the time authorities arrived (stock image) 

The vodka was traced back to the outback distillery in NSW, but the bootlegger had left by the time authorities arrived (stock image) 

A man allegedly  became unwell and his lips burnt after buying two bottles of vodka in Sydney that smelt like ‘nail-polish remover’. 

He blew 0.05 in a breathalyser – enough to be caught drink driving – after just two swigs of the spirit, a complaint lodged to the NSW Food authority revealed.   

‘He felt unwell, hot flushed, when I tasted it the inside of my lips burnt,’ the complaint seen by the ABC said.

The vodka was traced back to the outback distillery in NSW, but the bootlegger had left by the time authorities arrived.  

A NSW Authority spokeswoman confirmed the Food Authority are investigating. 

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the Australian Tax Office and NSW Police for comment.  

He avoided $30 million of taxes on 'fake spirits' after distilling ethanol in secret locations

He avoided $30 million of taxes on ‘fake spirits’ after distilling ethanol in secret locations
