Bored children in supermarkets | Daily Mail Online

  • Snaps of fed-up children shared on social media by amused parents
  • Capture little ones napping in trolleys and playing in the cereal aisle
  • Other children head for the shop window in the hope of being rescued  

The weekly supermarket shop is a chore few people look forward to – and it can be even more arduous with kids in tow.

But spare a thought for the children, who have to endure trawling the aisles under the watchful eye of fraught parents, all while being told to ‘be quiet’ and ‘put that back’. 

Many of the bored tots captured in these photos shared on social media have resorted to entertaining themselves, either by escaping to the electronics aisle to watch television, or building a fort from cereal boxes. 

Some desperate girls and boys were snapped leaning against shop windows in the vain hope a passerby might rescue them from their supermarket hell, while others, resigned to their fate, are seen curling up in trolleys to sleep until the ordeal is over. 

Trolley tantrum: Fed up of trawling the supermarket aisles, this little girl hitches a ride

Sure, grocery baskets are a handy way to tote your twins around the supermarket - but where do you put the shopping?

Sure, grocery baskets are a handy way to tote your twins around the supermarket – but where do you put the shopping?

Even a miniature supermarket trolley of his own isn't enough to persuade this little boy that shopping is fun  

Even a miniature supermarket trolley of his own isn’t enough to persuade this little boy that shopping is fun  

A bored little girl issues a silent cry for help from the depths of a shopping mall  

A bored little girl issues a silent cry for help from the depths of a shopping mall  

This brother and sister duo found an entertaining corner of a supermarket and set up camp

This brother and sister duo found an entertaining corner of a supermarket and set up camp

A cute little girl adequately sums up the feelings of anyone who has ever found themselves in a branch of IKEA at the weekend 

A cute little girl adequately sums up the feelings of anyone who has ever found themselves in a branch of IKEA at the weekend 

A little boy captures the feelings of every tot trapped in a supermarket on a Saturday morning 

A little boy captures the feelings of every tot trapped in a supermarket on a Saturday morning 

Chilling: The weekly 'big shop' would be more bearable if we could approach it like this girl 

Chilling: The weekly ‘big shop’ would be more bearable if we could approach it like this girl 

A little boy is so bored in the Apple store he feigns suffocating himself inside his mother's top

A little boy is so bored in the Apple store he feigns suffocating himself inside his mother’s top

Is it over yet? The motion of the shopping trolley has lulled this fed up tot off to sleep 

Is it over yet? The motion of the shopping trolley has lulled this fed up tot off to sleep 

Crisis point: This boy is ready to leave the supermarket, and his family has probably picked up on it 

Crisis point: This boy is ready to leave the supermarket, and his family has probably picked up on it 

No, that's not an offbeat window display, it's a desperately bored child 

No, that’s not an offbeat window display, it’s a desperately bored child 

A bored toddler plays dominoes with a row of cereal boxes to keep herself entertained 

A bored toddler plays dominoes with a row of cereal boxes to keep herself entertained