Boris Johnson warns that Jeremy Corbyn and Remainer MPs could block Brexit until NEXT YEAR

Boris Johnson warns that Jeremy Corbyn and Remainer MPs could block Brexit until NEXT YEAR as opinion poll puts him 16 points ahead

  • Prime Minister has said he fears ‘parliament will waste the next three months’
  • He insisted the ‘country must move on’ in 2020 as ‘paralysis is causing damage’
  • It comes as Mr Johnson held a 16-point lead over the opposition in opinion poll

Boris Johnson has warned that Jeremy Corbyn and Remainer MPs could block Brexit until next year – as an opinion poll places him 16 points ahead of the opposition.

The Prime Minister insisted the ‘country must move on’ in 2020 as he admitted he fears parliament’s move to block Brexit ‘could take us to January 31 as least’, the Observer reported.

He said: ‘My worry is this parliament will just waste the next three months like it’s wasted the last three years.  

‘Parliament cannot hold the country hostage any longer. Millions of businesses and people cannot plan their futures, this paralysis is causing real damage, and the country must move on in 2020.’

Boris Johnson has warned that Jeremy Corbyn and Remainer MPs could block Brexit until next year – as an opinion poll places him 16 points ahead of the opposition

The majority of Labour MPs are still opposed to the idea of a snap election – which Mr Johnson proposed to take place on December 12 – and Mr Corbyn has insisted he will not agree to one until a No Deal is no longer an option.

Mr Johnson would need to secure the backing of two-thirds of MPs in a parliamentary vote on Monday for a pre-Christmas election to take place. 

It emerged yesterday that the Liberal Democrats were ready to offer Johnson a way to sidestep Labour, which could still allow him to secure an election before Christmas .

The Lib Dems have drawn up a one-page bill which would amend the Fixedterm Parliaments Act to state that the next election will take place on 9 December – three days earlier than under Johnson’s plans. 

It states the new election date would be cancelled should the EU fail to grant a threemonth Brexit extension.

The SNP have signalled that they back the plan. 

It comes as Mr Johnson held a 16-point lead over the opposition Labour Party on Sunday, according to an Opinium poll.

According to the survey, support for the Conservative Party rose three points since a previous poll eight days ago to stand at 40 per cent, while Labour was unchanged on 24 per cent. 

The pro-European Union Liberal Democrat Party slipped one point to 15 per cent while Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which could challenge the Conservatives for the support of Brexit backers, was on 10 per cent. 

The majority of Labour MPs are still opposed to the idea of a snap election - which Mr Johnson proposed to take place on December 12 - and Mr Corbyn has insisted he will not back one until a No Deal is no longer an option

The majority of Labour MPs are still opposed to the idea of a snap election – which Mr Johnson proposed to take place on December 12 – and Mr Corbyn has insisted he will not back one until a No Deal is no longer an option

Johnson, elected by party members in July to break the deadlock over Brexit, has proposed holding an election on December 12 after he failed to get a divorce deal through parliament in time for the country to leave the European Union on October 31. 

Lawmakers will vote on Monday on whether to hold the snap election but most opposition parties have indicated they will either abstain or vote against the move, meaning Johnson is unlikely to secure the support of two-thirds of lawmakers that he needs. 

Britain is not due to hold a national election until 2022. The poll was conducted between October 23 and 25.