Boy, 10, has raised £10,000 in memory of his late mother after she died from cancer

A 10-year-old boy who carries out random acts of kindness in his late mum’s honour has single-handedly raised around £10,000 for good causes.

Harvey Hughes-Sharps this week handed an envelope containing £5 to diners Ashleigh Perks, 25, and Jack Nixon, 26, who were enjoying a meal out together.

The couple, from Flintshire, Wales, were taken aback when they discovered the youngster had given his own cash towards their meal at The Oak Tree last Sunday.

Harvey Hughes-Sharps handed an envelope containing £5 to diners Ashleigh Perks, 25, and Jack Nixon, 26, who were enjoying a meal out. The pair are pictured above with Harvey

He explained in a handwritten card it was in memory of his mum Rachel Hughes, who died six years ago from ovarian cancer.

Every December on the anniversary of her passing Harvey’s family go out for a meal to celebrate her life and for the past three years the youngster has given money to random diners towards their meal.

But Harvey’s incredible generosity doesn’t end there, as in the six years since his mum died the generous 10-year-old has raised £10,000 for a range of charities – doing everything from a sponsored piano-thon to donating Easter eggs and charging other children to play in a den in his garden. 

Harvey was four when his mother Rachel Hughes died after being diagnosed with cancer. The pair are pictured together above

Harvey was four when his mother Rachel Hughes died after being diagnosed with cancer. The pair are pictured together above

Harvey’s stepmum Katherine Robinson-Sharps, 40, said: ‘It’s all about keeping the memory of Harvey’s mum alive – she’s an important person to him and she’ll always be an important part of his story.

‘For Harvey, showing love to others with random acts of kindness is a way of honouring the love his mum had for him.

‘It doesn’t have to be about sadness, it’s just about love.

‘He’s taught me a lot about life and brings out the best in people, he is an amazing little boy.’

After Harvey gave the card to Ashleigh and Jack, the couple, who were left tearful, went to find him and his family to thank him his act of kindness before asking for a photo to share online to commend his gesture – where it quickly went viral, racking up thousands of likes and shares.

In 2016, on his 7th birthday, Harvey gave up birthday presents to raise money for The Hospice of the Good Shepherd in Backford, Chester, where his mum was cared for, by asking friends and family to donate to them instead of purchasing him a gift.

His regular donations even lead him to win an award from the hospice, where he was presented a glass trophy with a picture of him and his mum.

Last year Harvey fundraised for Children in Need by playing the piano non-stop and Save the Children by building an outdoor den he charged children to come inside.

In the past he has also done a sponsored cycle and donated Easter eggs, raising cash for Macmillan, children’s hospice Claire House and ovarian and brain cancer charities.

Katherine added: ‘Every year we always celebrate Rachel’s life on her birthday and on the day she passed away.

Harvey Hughes-Sharps is pictured with his mother Rachel Hughes who died in December 2013

Harvey Hughes-Sharps is pictured with his mother Rachel Hughes who died in December 2013

‘We go out for a meal to remember her and for the last three years Harvey has picked a couple to give a card to.

‘We have talked about how he is passing on his Mum’s love for him through his act of kindness.

‘Harvey is an incredibly empathetic child, but is quite shy, so for him, actually physically approaching someone to carry out the random act of kindness is harder than the idea of giving something away.’

Jonathan Sharps, 51, added: ‘Harvey is not the sort of person who seeks to be the centre of attention, but I am absolutely sure he will quietly make such a positive difference in this world.

‘He is very kind and full of fun, and we are so proud of him.’