Boy, 7, dies at family birthday party in north Wales

A seven-year-old boy drowned at a family friend’s surprise birthday party after he was found face down at the bottom of a swimming pool.

Harvey Worgan was found at the bottom of Nigel Price’s pool in Llandyssil in north Wales on June 17.

An inquest heard that Harvey and his parents Ben and Lucy were among 50 guests at a party Mr Price had thrown for his partner Jane’s birthday. 

The youngster’s father had been working for Mr Price that day and arrived at his house around 5pm before phoning his wife who drove over with their son.  

Harvey had been in swimming pool that evening and had been told by his father to stay at the shallow end.

Harvey Worgan (pictured) tragically died after he was found face down at the bottom of a swimming pool at a family friend’s birthday party in Llandyssil, north Wales 

In his statement read out at a hearing at Welshpool County Court, Mr Worgan said he was away from the poolside speaking to Mr Price and had last seen his son walking around the outside around the edge of the water.

Another guest Dyfrig Huw Rees went over to the pool area to look for a towel when he saw Harvey lying face down at the bottom.

He said: ‘I saw a figure at the bottom of the pool face down near the deep end, I asked for help.

‘I dived down, but missed him.

‘I tried using my feet and then grabbed him and got him by the side..’

Other guests then rushed to the poolside to help, but the little boy was ‘very pale’ and ‘not moving other than being sick’.

His father described Harvey was a ‘boy with a lovely smile’ who loved tractors and diggers, often keen to help him out at work.

He said in a statement: ‘He’s not just a son but my best friend.’ 

A JustGiving page was set up to raise money for Harvey’s funeral and managed to raise £3,347 towards costs.

Set up by his aunt Emma, the page describes the family’s loss as ‘heartbreaking’ and the seven-year-old as ‘our precious, perfect nephew who passed away suddenly under such tragic circumstances’. 

At the inquest, Dr Andrew Bamber, a paediatric pathologist based at the Heath Hospital in Cardiff, said: ‘There was no evidence of significant injury nothing to give cause for concern and no definite natural cause.

‘There was a presence of 300ml of water in the stomach and changes to the lungs, his death is consistent with one from immersion in water.’ 

The seven-year-old's inquest at Welshpool County Court (pictured) heard he was at a birthday party his father Ben's colleague had thrown for his partner 

The seven-year-old’s inquest at Welshpool County Court (pictured) heard he was at a birthday party his father Ben’s colleague had thrown for his partner 

Coroner Andrew Barkley said there was no indication that Harvey fell in the pool, concluding he died of drowning as a result of an accident.

He said: ‘These are very tragic circumstances and I extend my sincerest condolences to the family.

‘At the particular time of the incident no-one specifically saw Harvey.

‘It seems to me that Harvey was only out of sight for a matter of moments.

‘There’s no clear evidence how he got to the pool. No indication that he fell in.

‘No indication he choked on the food or how long he was in the pool before he was spotted.

‘The cause of death is immersion in water as a result of an accident.’