Boy locked in car by mum in Bournemouth rescued from fire

The mother of a young boy who was locked in a car when a nearby vehicle burst into flames has insisted she did nothing wrong.

The 10-year-old boy was sat in the car because he ‘hates shopping’ when his mother Leanne Adams popped into an Aldi supermarket in the Mallard Road Retail Park in Bournemouth, Dorset   

But while she was gone an Audi A3 parked two bays away suddenly burst into flames and spread to the two cars either side.   

Sam Webb, 22, who was working when the fire broke out on Saturday told people to move away from the flames that were engulfing the nearby vehicle but someone shouted ‘there’s a kid in that car’.

An Audi A3 burst into flames in an Aldi car park in the Mallard Road Retail Park in Bournemouth, Dorset 

The quick-thinking security guard smashed the passenger window of the Nissan X-Train when he believed the boy was inside ‘panicking’.    

Another member of the public then pulled the boy out through the smashed window and they went to Aldi to find his parents.

But Miss Adams has now slammed people who have called her ‘stupid and thick’ for leaving her son and saying she should be prosecuted.    

Leanne Adams popped into an Aldi supermarket and left her 10-year-old son in the car because he 'hates shopping' but while she was gone an Audi A3 parked two bays away suddenly caught ablaze and spread to the two cars either side

Leanne Adams popped into an Aldi supermarket and left her 10-year-old son in the car because he ‘hates shopping’ but while she was gone an Audi A3 parked two bays away suddenly caught ablaze and spread to the two cars either side

Miss Adams stated that she spoke to police following the alarm and they were satisfied she had done nothing wrong.

She said: ‘He was in our car with doors locked playing on my phone because he hates shopping. We locked the car and told him not to talk to strangers.

‘A car two spaces away caught fire.

‘He could have gotten out of the car, he didn’t because he didn’t notice there was a fire until the security guard smashed the window and because he followed our instructions not to open the door to strangers.

‘After speaking to the police they were fine with his age, but it would have been a problem if he were five or six.

‘My son is 10 years old and as you can imagine hates shopping. I let him stay in the car, which was parked near the front of Aldi which was the only shop we were popping into.

A quick-thinking security guard smashed the passenger window of the Nissan X-Train when he believed the boy was inside 'panicking'

A quick-thinking security guard smashed the passenger window of the Nissan X-Train when he believed the boy was inside ‘panicking’

‘Unfortunately we cannot forsee the unforeseeable and would never have anticipated a car bursting into flames when leaving him.

‘It will not be something I’ll be doing again. I think people should think again when accusing parents of child neglect as this can be very damaging.’     

Members of the public were quick to slam Miss Adams on social media for leaving her child alone in the car.

Danielle Chandler-Brown said: ‘Great parenting skills. You should be proud of yourselves. Idiots!’

Members of the public were quick to slam Miss Adams on social media for leaving her child alone in the car

Members of the public were quick to slam Miss Adams on social media for leaving her child alone in the car

Gail Gillard said: ‘Hope the parents are charged with endangering the child..’

Emma Cox said: ‘Hope the parents of the child get charged for child endangerment too! Imagine if no one had realised he was there and the fire had spread much quicker?’

Diana Baker commented: ‘Parents decision? WRONG decision. You never ever leave a child on their own in a car ever.

‘The parents want charging with neglect.’

But other parents also took to social media to defend Miss Adams. She said: ‘What righteous parent hasn’t left their child in the car while they pop into the shops?

‘Baby/toddler I understand but Jesus Christ, give the parents a break.’

The Audi A3 which caught on fire was destroyed in the fire and the two cars either side were also badly damaged.