Boyfriend not sorry in killing girlfriends molester guilty

A Louisiana man who was on trial for killing his girlfriend’s molester in 2015 and said he was ‘not sorry’ for it- has been convicted of second degree murder and is facing life in prison. 

Jace Crehan, 23, was found guilty of murdering convicted child molester Robert Noce Jr., according to The Advocate.

Noce had allegedly molested Brittany Monk between the ages of four to 12 while she was in his care. He had dated her mother. 

Robert Noce Jr, convicted child molester

Brittany Monk and Jace Crehan (left, together) are awaiting sentencing in the murder of Monk’s alleged molester Robert Noce Jr (right)

Monk was seven months pregnant when she and Crehan went into Noce's trailer and murdered him following him being sentenced to five years probation on charges he molested her 

Monk was seven months pregnant when she and Crehan went into Noce’s trailer and murdered him following him being sentenced to five years probation on charges he molested her 

He had been sentenced to five years probation in the case after pleading no contest two weeks before Crehan and Monk went to his trailer and killed him.

Monk, 20, plead guilty to manslaughter earlier in 2017 for aiding Crehan in breaking into Noce’s trailer.

She was seven months pregnant with Crehan’s child when they broke in and attacked Noce.

After the murder, Crehan was arrested and confessed- telling police the justice system failed his girlfriend. 

Monk testified Tuesday she thought her alleged molester who she called ‘daddy’ while living with him, would have been sentence to 10 years behind bars, not five years probation.   

‘I feel a lot better,’ Crehan reportedly told police in his confession. ‘It’s not regret. Is it remorse? I’m not sorry for what I did.’

Crehan’s attorney argued the couple acted out of passion.

‘Revenge is an act of passion, and this is very much an act of passion,’ attorney Franz Borghardt told the jury. ‘We don’t believe this is second-degree murder. We believe it’s something else.’

Monk in her mug shot following the murder of Noce at his trailer in 2015


Monk and Crehan in their mug shots following the murder of Noce at his trailer in 2015

Noce was killed in his trailer (pictured) by Moss and Crehan, who came prepared for an attack with gloves and walkie-talkies 

Noce was killed in his trailer (pictured) by Moss and Crehan, who came prepared for an attack with gloves and walkie-talkies 

However investigator Darwin Miller said regardless, what they did was illegal. 

‘We do not live in a country where we as a society are allowed to take the law into our own hands to do justice,’ Miller said. ‘That’s what happened here. This is not a Shakespearean tragedy. This is not a Hollywood movie. This is the killing of a human being, whether you like him or not.’  

Borghardt argued that Noce turned Monk into a ‘sex slave’ as a child, and that Crehan saw him as a potential threat to his then pregnant girlfriend.

He also argued they didn’t intend to kill Noce, just send him a message that they were to be left alone. 

‘There was a loss of control,’ Borghardt said. ‘When they confronted ‘daddy’ it was just too much.’

They bought walkie-talkies and blue gloves before they went to Noce’s trailer. 

Monk tied her hair up so none would be left behind. They were discovered after they dumped the gloves in a barrel at the trailer- and Monk’s DNA was found inside one.   

The couple is scheduled for sentencing January 18. Crehan is facing life, and Monk faces 40 years behind bars. 

District Attorney Hillar Moore III said justice was served in the case.

‘You don’t want people going out and taking justice into their own hands,’ he said.