Brand Beckham make their first combined loss last year totalling £1.5m

Brand Beckham make their first combined loss last year, totalling £1.5m… but still paid themselves more than £7million in dividends

The Beckhams’ businesses made their first combined loss last year as they were dragged down by Victoria’s ailing fashion brand.

Between them, the couple lost £1.5million after tax, a marked decline on their £31million profit of four years ago.

But despite the downturn, David and Victoria, pictured, still paid themselves more than £7million in dividends last year, meaning they have taken £51million out of the businesses in dividends since 2014.

The couple are pictured together above. The latest figures, in accounts filed this week, are a blow to the duo, who have built up a reported £355million fortune

Mrs Beckham’s label has lost £34.7million since it launched ten years ago, and has been repeatedly bailed out by her husband. 

Mrs Beckham’s label has lost £34.7million since it launched ten years ago, and has been repeatedly bailed out by her husband

Mrs Beckham’s label has lost £34.7million since it launched ten years ago, and has been repeatedly bailed out by her husband

Last year losses at Victoria Beckham Limited rose dramatically to £12.3million after demand for the former Spice Girl’s range of £2,000 dresses and £1,000 handbags slumped.

In previous years, the family still made a healthy profit thanks to David’s image rights but his business, DB Ventures, also suffered last year. Profits have fallen from £44million four years ago to less than £15million in 2018.

The latest figures, in accounts filed this week, are a blow to the duo, who have built up a reported £355million fortune.

The decline has led some to question whether the pulling power of two of the world’s most famous faces is waning.

One industry expert said: ‘His image rights are declining. He’s 44 now so that cash cow is beginning to drain a little bit.

‘And I’d be surprised if her fashion business can ever turn a profit. It might be a lifestyle business for the Beckhams, but her investors are notoriously hard-nosed. They’ll want to see a return.’

Mrs Beckham’s high-end clothes are sold in stores around the world but struggling sales and high costs have seen losses grow in each of the past four years.

The Beckhams declined to comment but a source close to the couple said profits were down due to a lucrative agreement to licence David Beckham-branded clothing coming to an end.

Between them, the couple lost £1.5million after tax, a marked decline on their £31million profit of four years ago. Ms Beckham is pictured above at a 2016 store opening in Hong Kong

Between them, the couple lost £1.5million after tax, a marked decline on their £31million profit of four years ago. Ms Beckham is pictured above at a 2016 store opening in Hong Kong