Brave bus driver who stepped in to help teenager who was allegedly bashed and robbed by a gang is SACKED

A bus driver who tried to help a teenager who was allegedly being robbed and bashed has been sacked.

The driver was at the wheel of the 250 bus in the Brisbane suburb of Cleveland at about 1pm on February 18 when three teenagers boarded the vehicle, Redlands Community News reported.

The youths allegedly took off with the victim’s possessions, the Transport Workers Union (TWU) said, and the teenager chased after them.

But when the youngster was allegedly attacked by the group, the driver stepped in.

A bus driver who tried to help a teenager who was allegedly robbed and bashed has been sacked (file picture)

‘The driver intervened by verbally and physically separating the youths to prevent a further attack,’ a union spokesman said. 

TWU Queensland Director of Organising Josh Millroy said the bus driver was later fired for his actions by Transdev, which operates bus transport in Brisbane.

‘The driver bravely intervened in the (alleged) violent assault and protected their passenger but was subsequently stood down and later had his employment terminated for misconduct,’ Mr Milroy said.

‘This driver should be praised for standing up … and protecting their passengers, not punished for having the bravery to act.’

Queensland Police said a 16-year-old boy had been charged with attempted robbery in company and he faced Cleveland Children’s Court on March 1.

A 15-year-old boy was cautioned. Police are still investigating. 

‘Safety is paramount on board all our services, this is why our drivers are professionally trained in all aspects of heavy vehicle transport from driving, customer service to de-escalation training,’ a Transdev spokesman said. 
