Brave farmer’s heartfelt message after the devastating suicide of a mate

An outback trucker who selflessly helps to transport donated hay to struggling farmers has shared a heartfelt plea online after the suicide of a close friend. 

Burrumbuttock Hay Runners Brendan Farrell shared the video to his company’s Facebook page after spending hours crying behind the wheel.

‘I’ve just cried for 200 km’s (kilometres),’ he said. 


Outback trucker Brendan Farrell who selflessly helps to transport donated hay to struggling farmers has shared a heartfelt plea online after the suicide of a close friend

He then went on to tell a story he said was one he hoped people would take on board. 

Mr Farrell had learned that a farmer and a man he called a friend had committed suicide. 

He first met the farmer in 2015, who he said he would not name publicly. 

They met while Mr Farrell was on a ‘dog run’, delivering dog food for struggling farmers to feed their work dogs when he saw an older man on the side of the road. 

‘So I put five bags of dog food on the back of his ute,’ he said. 

‘He had the oldest pair of wire strainers in the world.’ 

When Mr Farrell returned home he couldn’t get the image of this friendly farmer and his word wire strainers out of his mind and decided to buy him a new pair. 

When he was next passing through Mr Farrell took the time to leave the strainers at the letter box with ah and written note, a bit of a ‘keep your chin up mate’ sentiment. 

From that moment on the two men formed a strong bond and would continue to keep in contact, calling each other once a month – or at least once every other month. 

Mr Farrell learned about the man and was happy to remind him that despite his situation there would always be people to support him and help him along the way.  

‘He wasn’t married, he had no kids he was just doing his own thing, bonds are formed by special ways and that is probably why it hurt,’ he said. 

Burrumbuttock Hay Runners deliver donated hay to struggling Australian farmers every year 

Burrumbuttock Hay Runners deliver donated hay to struggling Australian farmers every year 

The farmer was struggling hard and Mr Farrell could see it, 9 News reported. 

‘He couldn’t get his cattle to market because they were too poor. He couldn’t sell his property because it was worth nothing. Couldn’t feed his cattle because he didn’t have enough money to buy the feed or the freight. So he is gone,’ he said. 

Mr Farrell said the farmer had shown no signs of what he was thinking about doing, despite it being a common occurrence in drought stricken rural Australia. 

‘I was absolutely gutted because he didn’t have any signs of anything. I actually thought I was doing alright with that mateship. But depression can just walk up and bite you in the arse and you don’t even know that you are in it. Same as the drought,’ he said. 

He closed out his heartfelt Facebook video with a plea to anyone who might hear him. 

‘To all those farmers that are thinking of doing something silly, think of a bond or a special moment for Christ’s sake,’ he said through tears. 

The most recent figures on rural suicides is from 2016 and shows that rural suicides are double that of those in Australia’s major cities with a regional resident taking their life every four days.