Brave woman’s friend sliced her face with a Stanley knife

Katie Charlton (pictured) was at a house party when her friend slashed her across the face using a Stanley knife 

A young woman said she was left traumastised after she was scarred for life when her friend violently slashed her cheek using a Stanley knife. 

Katie Charlton, 22, was at a house party in Boldon, South Tyneside, when Stephen Thompson, 27, knifed her and left her with four inch slash across her cheek.

She needed 33 stitches and is speaking out to raise awareness about knife crime in the UK. 

Just moments before the horrific attack, Thompson got into a fight with her 25-year-old ex-boyfriend Damion Armour and later produced the weapon.

He plunged it into Mr Armour’s forearm and neck and then Miss Charlton claims he grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards.

Seconds later her caused the four inch slash from her cheek to her chin and was jailed for five-and-a-half years at Newcastle Crown Court.

Miss Charlton said: ‘I knew that they had a fight, but I had no idea Stephen had a knife. Damion rushed me out of the house to keep me from danger.

‘But then all of a sudden I felt myself being pulled backwards by my hair and felt a blow to the face and the shoulder.

‘I thought I had been punched, but then I saw blood squirt everywhere and I sank to the ground.

‘I was losing so much blood, I knew that I had been slashed across the face even though I couldn’t feel a thing. I was numb.

‘It was a strange sensation, but I could almost feel my life draining from my body. 

‘With every minute waiting for the ambulance I was a minute closer to death and losing more blood. I knew if I closed my eyes I would not wake up.

‘I want to make people aware of the dangers of knives. I will have to live with this forever.’

Miss Charlton was at a friend's birthday party

She was knifed in the face

Miss Charlton, 22, (left) was at a friend’s birthday party when she was knifed in the face (right)

Just moments before the horrific attack which left Miss Charlton (right) needing stitches, Stephen Thompson (left) got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend Damion Armour (centre)

Just moments before the horrific attack which left Miss Charlton (right) needing stitches, Stephen Thompson (left) got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend Damion Armour (centre)

Thompson claimed in court that he had Stanley knife with him because he was getting a carpet fitted.

Miss Charlton was rushed to hospital and placed in an induced coma whilst medics worked to save her life.

She needed more than 33 stitches to fix the huge wound in her face, and had six in her shoulder.

She was later told that the gash in her cheek was so deep that her teeth were visible through the cut.

Mr Armour also needed stitches to his forearm and neck.

Following the sickening attack, Miss Charlton has split up with Mr Armour because she’can’t trust men anymore’ – but the pair still remain close friends.

Miss Charlton, from South Shields, added: ‘After the attack it took three days before I could even face looking at myself in the mirror.

‘When I looked it was for less than a second because it was so devastating. I knew that it would be bad but it was a million times worse than I imagined.

Katie has now split up with Damion

Katie after the attack

Following the sickening attack, Miss Charlton (right) has split up with Mr Armour (pictured together, left) because she’can’t trust men anymore’ – but the pair still remain close friends

‘It really did break my heart. My confidence was shattered. I have to learn to accept my new face, but it is impossible as I constantly feel like people are staring. 

‘It has completely ruined my faith in men – my relationship with Damien ended because I couldn’t trust men any more.

‘I never thought Stephen could do something like this, he was always quite nice. I won’t be able to trust again.

‘I want to raise awareness of this kind of crime so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else.’

At Newcastle Crown Court Thompson admitted charges of wounding with intent, wounding, possession of a bladed article and possession of cannabis but the court heard that he intended to hurt Damion rather than Katie. 

He was jailed for five-and-a-half years.

Judge Sarah Mallet told Thompson: ‘You were aggressive and threatening.

‘She has a lasting scar to the face that she will always have. The problems are carrying on. The injuries in my view are very serious.

‘The problem on this day began when you asked people to leave. I accept that you had the Stanley knife because you were having a carpet fitted earlier that day.’

Thompson was also given a life-long restraining order against the female victim.

John Wilkinson, defending, told the court that the defendant suffered from a number of learning disabilities and a depressive disorder.