Brazilian dog saved by bed sheet after clinging to balcony

This moment is every pet-owners worst nightmare.

A tiny petrified pooch ‘Tina’ is clinging on for its life from a third floor balcony flat as four people stand below with a bed sheet in a desperate attempt to save it. 

The brown and cream Lhasa Apso dashed out onto the balcony because she was frightened by the New Years Eve fire works.

A tiny petrified pooch ‘Tina’ is clinging on for its life from a third floor balcony flat

Four anxious people stand below with a bed sheet in a desperate attempt to save the pooch

Four anxious people stand below with a bed sheet in a desperate attempt to save the pooch

She anxiously claws onto the railing before losing its grip and plunging to the ground. 

Quick-thinking residents of the flats in Parque Amazonia, Goiania in central west Brazil, dash out to save the pooch by holding out a sheet for it to fall into.     

A cheer goes up as the adorable creature is caught safely and uninjured.

Thankful owner Jean Siqueira, who wasn’t at home on Sunday when the incident happened, said his pet had been scared by fireworks and tried to escape by running onto the balcony.

The brown and cream Lhasa Apso dashed out onto the balcony because she was frightened by the New Years Eve fire works

The brown and cream Lhasa Apso dashed out onto the balcony because she was frightened by the New Years Eve fire works

He said: ‘I’d just popped out to the grocery store and left Tina alone for a few minutes. She had been nervous all day from the noise of rockets being let off by people in the run up to New Year’s Day. I tried to reassure and distract her and kept her in all day.

‘The balcony door was open just a little and it didn’t cross my mind that she would be able to slip through. I think as the noise got louder she panicked and tried to run out of the flat.

‘I’ve had her for 11 years and she’s normally a calm dog but when fireworks go off she gets nervous and goes crazy with every bang.’

The video filmed by panicking neighbours shows the Lhasa Apso desperately struggling to get back into the veranda after slipping through a gap in railings.

She anxiously clawed onto the railing before losing its grip and plunging to the ground

She anxiously clawed onto the railing before losing its grip and plunging to the ground

As onlookers shout: ‘Look the dog’s falling’ the pedigree hurtles to the ground. Everyone screams with fear then claps and cheers ring out as the animal is saved from a cruel landing.

A resident said: ‘When we heard people shouting that a dog was in danger, we rushed to help and immediately came up with the idea of using a sheet to catch her.

‘It was nerve-racking to watch her struggle to hold on, her little tail was wagging desperately as she panicked.

A cheer goes up as the adorable creature is caught safely and uninjured

A cheer goes up as the adorable creature is caught safely and uninjured

‘Her heart was pounding like mad when she landed in the safety net, and I held her in my lap and hugged her to calm her down.’

Mr Siqueira said: ‘Someone called me to tell me my dog was hanging from the balcony. I rushed home immediately but by the time I arrived my neighbours had already rescued her.

‘When they showed me the video, I almost cried. I was shocked at seeing the danger Tina had been in. If my neighbours hadn’t reacted so quickly I wouldn’t be holding my pet today.’

He added Tina has calmed down and is back to normal. But he pleaded for people to be more considerate about letting fireworks off with pets around.