Brenda Lin – the sole survivor of the Lin family murders – speaks about the tragedy for the first time in years as she launches victim-support charity

A teenage girl who was overseas when her entire family was bashed to death by her abusive uncle has now dedicated her life to helping others recover from trauma.

Brenda Lin was 15 and on a school trip to New Caledonia in July 2009 when someone entered her family’s home in North Epping, in Sydney’s north-west, and murdered her parents, two younger brothers and aunt.

Speaking publicly for the first time in years, Ms Lin, now 30, recalled the devastating way she learned what happened to her family while she was thousands of kilometres from home. 

‘I remember my dad gave me his phone and said, “Make sure you give me a call when you get there,” but me being a teenager, I didn’t. I was too cool,’ she told the Sunday Telegraph.

‘We had limited access to the internet but one night we had a bit of spare time at our homestay and jumped on the computer.

Brenda Lin, now 30, was on a school trip to New Caledonia in July 2009 when someone entered her family’s home in North Epping, in Sydney’s north west, and murdered her parents, her two younger brothers and her aunt (pictured: Ms Lin in 2017)

Two years after the killings, Ms Lin's uncle Robert Xie (pictured) was charged with their murders. Prosecutors alleged Xie had been driven by his sexual obsession with his niece and his desire to have unfettered access to her

Two years after the killings, Ms Lin’s uncle Robert Xie (pictured) was charged with their murders. Prosecutors alleged Xie had been driven by his sexual obsession with his niece and his desire to have unfettered access to her

‘A friend from school noticed my friend had logged onto Facebook and sent her a link to a news article.

‘They had no words so they sent the article. When she clicked on the link … I could see a photo of my house. I didn’t know how to process what followed. I was 15.’

Min Lin, 45, Mr Lin’s wife Yun Li ‘Lily’ Lin, 44, their sons Henry, 12, and Terry, nine, and Mrs Lin’s sister, Yun Bin ‘Irene’ Lin, 39, were killed with hammer during the horrific attack.

An overnight orphan, Ms Lin was sent to live with her aunt and uncle Kathy and Robert Xie.

But the schoolgirl was preyed upon by her uncle, who made sexual advances towards her.

Two years after the killings, Xie was charged with the murders. 

But it took four gruelling trials and seven-and-a-half years before he was handed five consecutive life sentences – one for each of the family members he bludgeoned to death.

Prosecutors argued Xie had killed Ms Lin’s family not only because he was jealous of their life, but because he wanted Ms Lin to live in his home.

Ms Lin gave a powerful speech to the court at Xie’s sentencing, detailing her grief and betrayal, and how she didn’t get to say goodbye to her parents.

‘I do not even know how to begin to express how the murder of my immediate family have impacted my life – there are not enough words to describe the pain and suffering caused me and those around me,’ she said.

Ms Lin is pictured with her younger brothers Henry and Terry, aged nine and 12, and with her parents, Min and Yun, who were all murdered by her uncle Robert Xie

Ms Lin is pictured with her younger brothers Henry and Terry, aged nine and 12, and with her parents, Min and Yun, who were all murdered by her uncle Robert Xie

Detectives and forensic police outside Ms Lin's house after the horrific murder of her family

Detectives and forensic police outside Ms Lin’s house after the horrific murder of her family

‘Being a prideful teenager I did not say anything to my father, I just stood there awkwardly and thought to myself, “It is just going to be a week, I am going to see them again really soon.”

‘To this day, my biggest regret was not hugging [my father] and telling him I loved him, to say thank you for being an amazingly loving and caring parent.

‘It has been seven-and-a-half years since I have lost my family. That’s seven-and-a-half years without a loving mother, seven-and-a-half years without a loving father.

Today, Ms Lin exhibits a remarkable lack of rage and bitterness over her uncle’s actions.

She is now an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and is studying for a doctorate in criminology, rehabilitation in youth justice, at the University of Sydney.

‘He doesn’t occupy my thoughts very much to tell you the truth. He is in prison for life, that’s enough for me,’ Ms Lin said.

‘I know there is nothing more we can do. If someone asked me what more I would want done, I don’t know what the answer would be.’

Ms Lin founded The Survivor Hub in 2021, a charity that helps people who have been victims of sexual assault. 

Xie and his wife Kathy seen leaving the NSW Supreme Court in 2016

Xie and his wife Kathy seen leaving the NSW Supreme Court in 2016

Inside Ms Lin's family home, which would become the crime scene of a horrific murder

Inside Ms Lin’s family home, which would become the crime scene of a horrific murder

It has a dozen meet-up locations across New South Wales and Victoria, where survivors can share stories and support one another.

‘For us, it’s incredibly important to be able to have something good come out of something so tough and horrible,’ Ms Lin observed. 

‘One of the good things that have come out of this for me is my extra families, there’s something really beautiful about being in a family that you choose.

‘The wonderful support network around me makes sure I am never alone for Christmas, birthdays, Mother’s Day, all those special events. Without that incredible support system I do wonder where I would have ended up and that really scares me.’

In 2021, Xie lost an appeal against his murder convictions, meaning he will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
