Brett Maston: Notorious bank bandit once regarded as Australia’s most wanted man arrested in Perth after 12 hour police manhunt

A bank robber who was once dubbed Australia’s most wanted man has been found hours after he sparked an urgent manhunt by allegedly cutting off his electronic monitoring device. 

Western Australian Police Police launched a major hunt for Brett Maston, 57, who was last seen at Mount Lawley, in Perth’s north at 5.50am on Monday.

He spent almost 12 hours on the run before he was arrested by Rapid Apprehension Squad detectives without incident in Kenwick in the city’s south-east on Monday night.

He was transported to Perth Watch House for processing.

‘No further information will available tonight,’ a police statement read.

Maston allegedly removed off his GPS tracking device less than a week after he was granted home detention bail. 

Brett Maston (pictured) went on the run again after he allegedly cut off his electronic monitoring device, sparking a large scale police search

Maston had previously been charged three counts of stolen property after police found him allegedly carrying a gun, cash, and another stolen item in Warwick. 

He was granted bail on May 13 and had been placed under strict home detention.

His lawyer had told the court said that his new partner, who is herself on a conditional suspended imprisonment order, would keep him on the straight and narrow, despite Maston’s substantial criminal record,

The convicted bank robber, who spent more than a decade behind bars had escaped police custody on two previous occasions. 

The 57-year-old (pictured) was caught by police on Monday night, after he was last seen at Mount Lawley, in Perth 's north at 5.50am on Monday

The 57-year-old (pictured) was caught by police on Monday night, after he was last seen at Mount Lawley, in Perth ‘s north at 5.50am on Monday

His most notorious escape from custody occurred in 1995, when he ran away from Fremantle Hospital with the help of his former girlfriend Christine Evagora, after he faked a suicide attempt. 

Evagora barged into the waiting room of the hospital wielding a shotgun and threatened patients and staff. 

The dramatic escape led Maston and Evagora to be dubbed ‘Bonnie and Clyde’,  after infamous American crime bandits. 

Maston became a wanted man and was later arrested before he spent 14-and-a-half years in prison. 

He has the words ‘Australia’s Most Wanted’ tattooed on his back.  

The convicted bank robber had the words 'Australia's Most Wanted' tattooed on his back (pictured)

The convicted bank robber had the words ‘Australia’s Most Wanted’ tattooed on his back (pictured)

Following his release from prison in 2008, Maston fled to the Philippines but was extradited back to Western Australia in 2012, to face charges over the illegal possession of guns and cash.

Last year, Maston told Nine News that his brushes with the law were behind him.

‘My life was destroyed and I know my actions have destroyed other people’s lives,’ he said,

‘And I regret that sincerely.’ 
