Brewers Fayre chef threatened cook with CARVING KNIVES

James Daunter was jailed for 19 months at Cardiff Crown Court

A chef who flew into a jealous rage and threatened to kill a colleague with kitchen knives after suspecting him of having an affair with his girlfriend, has been jailed.

James Daunter, 42, suspected his partner of four years, 32-year-old waitress Katie McDonald, was in a relationship with fellow cook William Troubridge, 36.

Daunter stormed into the Brewers Fayre restaurant in Abergavenny in Gwent, south-east Wales where the trio worked together and threatened to kill Mr Troubridge with three large kitchen knives.

Cardiff Crown Court heard Daunter had been drinking heavily November 28 when he barged into the restaurant screaming: ‘I’m going to kill him’ as diners ate their meals.

He was asked to leave but later returned through the kitchen door, where he picked up three large knives. 

Terrified staff fled in panic and Ms McDonald and Mr Troubridge were forced to lock themselves in an office fearing they would be killed.   

CCTV captured Daunter entering the premises to carry out his terrifying assault

CCTV captured Daunter entering the premises to carry out his terrifying assault

Katie McDonald

Daunter suspected his partner of four years, 32-year-old waitress Katie McDonald (left), was in a relationship with fellow cook William Troubridge, 36 (right)

Prosecutor Chris Evans told the court Daunter walked into the restaurant on November 28 shouting ‘Where is he? I’m going to kill him’.

Ms McDonald raised the alarm with her manager who asked Daunter to leave the premises. 

Mr Evans said: ‘He starts walking towards the kitchen and Ms McDonald goes to block him from entering. Other members of staff tried to assist.

‘He then pushed Ms McDonald against the door and moved her away to gain access to the kitchen. She was left with bruises and scratches.’ 

Mr Troubridge fled through the back door while Daunter stormed towards the restaurant counter and smashed the hotplate during the busy mid-evening service. 

Daunter left before coming back two hours later through the kitchen’s rear door.

Mr Evans said: ‘The kitchen manager felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see the defendant with two carving knives and a kitchen knife held above his shoulder towards him.

‘The manager ran out of the kitchen and shouted to the remaining staff to get out.’

Other kitchen staff ran across the road to a nearby Premier Inn as Mr Troubridge and Ms McDonald locked themselves in the office.

The trio worked together at this Brewers Fayre restaurant in Abergavenny in Gwent, south-east Wales

The trio worked together at this Brewers Fayre restaurant in Abergavenny in Gwent, south-east Wales

An intoxicated Daunter then ran into the reception to find panicked members of staff.

After leaving the Brewers Fayre he was later arrested on a nearby road.

Daunter and Ms McDonald had been in a relationship for four years and shared a house together.  

In a statement Ms McDonald told police it left her ‘stressed and traumatised’, adding: ‘I feel frightened to return to my flat that I had shared with the defendant previously because of the bad memories.

‘I was mostly a social drinker before but since the incident I now drink to feel numb.’

Mr Troubridge said the affair allegations were ‘completely untrue’ and was left ‘greatly distressed’.

Ros Rutter, defending, said he stood by his claims of an affair, adding it had caused problems in work.

‘This caused tension between the two of them and Daunter asked for his shifts to be swapped around so he didn’t have to work alongside him,’ she said.

Ms Rutter said Daunter had been drinking heavily all day on November 28 and was ‘horrified’ when he was shown the CCTV footage.

Katie McDonald and James Daunter had been in a relationship for four years before the incident

Katie McDonald and James Daunter had been in a relationship for four years before the incident

She said: ‘He saw how frightening an experience it would have been for all the people that were present. This was completely out of character.

‘Since being in custody he has undergone anger management classes as he recognises that he doesn’t not know how to control his anger.’

Cardiff Crown Court heard Daunter, who has two children from previous relationship, has also been diagnosed with depression.

He pleaded guilty to breaching public order, assault by beating, criminal damage, affray, a threat with a bladed article and possession of cannabis.

Jailing him for 19 months, Recorder Peter Rouch QC labelled Daunter’s behaviour ‘unpleasant and disturbing’.

He said: ‘Those staff and members of the public must have found it very, very frightening indeed.

‘This comes especially after the events in London last year, with public perception of people waving knives around at its highest.’

A restraining order was put in force to stop Daunter making contact with Mr Troubridge and Ms McDonald.