Brian Jonestown Massacre frontman Anton Newcombe makes rape joke

The lead singer of Brian Jonestown Massacre has hit back at critics who said he made light of rape culture by making a joke at his concert. 

The band was playing in Sydney on Thursday night when frontman Anton Newcombe called an audience member a ‘d*******’ before saying to him: ‘Your mum probably screamed like that when she was being raped and that’s how you were born.’ 

In a series of tweets the lead singer defended himself claiming he ‘never made light of rape culture’, while criticising ‘fascist PC  trap and trial by internet’. 

American band Brian Jonestown Massacre, were performing at the Metro Theatre, Sydney, on Saturday night when the lead singer said a rape joke

The first tweet frontman Anton Newcombe sent on Friday night denied that he had made light of rape culture (pictured)

The first tweet frontman Anton Newcombe sent on Friday night denied that he had made light of rape culture (pictured)

‘Next concert I will have better plans in place to deal with fascism in effect because I don’t plan on giving in,’ he tweeted on XXX.

‘Sorry we can sell out 4,600 person venues w/ no advertising while your favourite corporate indie sweethearts can’t afford to tour Australia.’   

During the twitter tirade the frontman appeared to make the same remark again, in response to someone arguing that he was only calling his detractors fascists because he didn’t like that they were saying. 

‘It’s not about free speech – those thugs sounded like someone being raped as they screamed in my face – as they attacked me,’ he replied.  

He also argued that his detractors, many of whom said they walked out of the gig after hearing the comment, should be concentrating on children being shot in Gaza instead of what he said.  

‘For random illiterate hostile faces to use Murdoch media and the internet to shout down my perceived obscenities when they are shooting kids.

he ten went on a bizarre tirade calling his detractors fascists and claimed they were upset because their 'indie sweethearts' couldn't afford to tour

he ten went on a bizarre tirade calling his detractors fascists and claimed they were upset because their ‘indie sweethearts’ couldn’t afford to tour

‘In Gaza for less – well whatever.’  

He went on to blame the ‘Murdoch media’ for leading the outrage against him and claimed The Australian’s editor Chris Kenny invited him on his Sunday show to ‘attack conservatives.’

‘Also love how the main voice behind it besides the provocateurs …would be the Australian and Murdoch owned media.’  

He then claimed his detractors were ignoring his previous activism and that they were mostly Murdoch owned media 

He then claimed his detractors were ignoring his previous activism and that they were mostly Murdoch owned media 

'Your mum probably screamed like that when she was being raped and that's how you were born,' lead singer Anton Newcombe said 

‘Your mum probably screamed like that when she was being raped and that’s how you were born,’ lead singer Anton Newcombe said 

Some of Newcombe's band mates appeared to be embarrassed by his comments and turned away while on stage (pictured)

Some of Newcombe’s band mates appeared to be embarrassed by his comments and turned away while on stage (pictured)

Footage of the gig was uploaded to twitter showing Newcombe making the remark because the man was shouting while he told a story about a late friend. 

Some of Newcombe’s band mates appeared to be embarrassed by his comments and turned away while on stage.  

The woman who filmed the interaction said she and a number of other people left the gig after the remark, writing that she was ‘deeply disappointed and disgusted in him.’

‘Absolutely inexcusable behaviour,’ she wrote.  

Others were quick to slam the lead singer’s joke.

‘I reported it to the bar staff, and was literally shaking with rage. I saw a whole lot of other young women walking out,’ one commented. 

‘Sexual assault is not even in the ‘humour’ orbit. It’s nasty and the lowest place you can go, however you deliver it or intend it,’ another wrote. 

‘Will never pay money to see Brian Jonestown Massacre again after Anton Newcombe made a rape joke on stage,’ commented another.  

Many people said they walked out form the gig after Newcombe made the comments  

Many people said they walked out form the gig after Newcombe made the comments